Blog Archive Part 5
I'm supposed to write an article on the alumni BBQ & Bluegrass thing that started tonight at 4:30.  I was not looking forward to changing out of my pj's, and was even less enthused about interviewing a bunch of old people.  But once I started talking to people, it was...awesome.  I went by myself, ate by myself, and found myself actually entertained by the bluegrass band playing.  As I interviewed alumni, I asked all sorts of questions...not only for the interview, but because these people are really interesting.  A man got up to discuss some of the history of Piedmont, and I found it both heartwarming and heartbreaking.  He mentioned his best friend who died, and I thought about how these people, most of whom are in their 70s, used to be 19 going on 20, too.  I don't like to think about it.
As I walked back to the dorm at my normal quick pace, I looked around me and came to a stop.  This place is SO beautiful.  Especially now, in the fall, with the leaves changing.  How is it that I hated a place like Columbia, SC so much, but I've come to love this 4-mile-wide town?
I may be leaving, but you better believe it won't be for good.


Massive pressure.  All these research paper type things due really REALLY soon and have i started? no, not really, i have not.  mom sent me pictures of my baby cousins, and they're not even babies anymore! i just haven't seen them in so long.  Peyton's actually a little kid now, a mini boy.  it's incredible.  and ramsey is THE prettiest little thing in the world.  i'm looking forward to my aunt having a girl in january, now i can buy cute little girl things.  i have yet to meet my brand new nephew in person.  i'm supposed to write this mini essay thing for radio about coming from a large school to a small school (and presumably about going back to a big school), and it's killing me.
Speaking of writers block, I have it.  not only can i not write this mini essay about a personal topic, but i can't write any, well, poems, either. yeah, kinda choked on that one, don't like to talk about my writing very much, it's dumb.  I ended up being really proud of the article about the Piedmont alumni.  It was front page, above the fold!  go me.  My job this week for our radio show was to be producer. It's gonna be the best show ever.  i'm realizing that this entry is really boring and uneventful, but that's how my brain feels lately as well.
oh sweet jesus.  we went to boneshakers last night and the CUTEST guy was there again.  He's gay of course, but we're still getting married.  While I was dancing, he comes over to me and puts an arm around my shoulder, and the next thing i know, he's picked me up off the ground, swung me into the air, and flipped me around a la swing dancing.  however, he had neglected to INFORM ME about what he was doing, so there was just a lot of shrieking and flailing on my part.  i know you can't convert people, but oh if there was ever a conversion project more worthy...
I've been listening to Gavin DeGraw a lot again lately, and so here he is again, stuck in my head 27 hours a day.
So yeah, everybody's dating somebody.  Or it always seems like that when I've been single for this long.  And it's starting to suck.
In all my advertising research, I've come to the conclusion that smoking is not only a nasty habit, it's also a sign of weakness and of giving into advertising messages and the image that advertisers try to project through the cigarettes.  I won't tell you not to smoke, I'll tell you not to be weak.

OH MAN! Phantom Planet was so kickass last night!!  I was super tired when I got home from Demorest yesterday, and after arriving at the Cotton Club, I was worried that the show wasn't going to be worth the driving.  Ben Lee came out, and he was pretty darn good.  I've heard OF him for so long, but had yet to really hear him.  He was entertaining to say the least, and his keyboard player was this ADORABLE little girl who was wearing a sweater that looked like one i wore back in '89.  These crazy kids and their fads.  You have to understand that Phantom Planet is not amazing on their cd.  Their music won't blow you away or really inspire you to do anything great, or anything along those lines.  But live? Holy crap!  It's a rare show where i see that much energy, but that could also reflect the music i listen to.  the singer climbed up onto the bars that hold the lights (i'm technical, i know), and just dangled there for the last song.  after a guitar-off between the two guitar players, the singer just hung upside down...singing.  and it was cool. and i got pictures.  They're not a band whose cd i listen to all that often, but they're a band i would take a roadtrip to go see.


I'm 20!  Yeehaw!  I started my new decade on friday.  How exciting.  Actually, the day itself was as uneventful as could be.  I think I miss those high school birthdays, where we'd bring each other presents and rip them open to shreds in the hall in the morning.  but don't get me wrong: that's one of the few things I miss.  Mike brought me a birthday present and then i went to see Bad Santa with Cory.  FUNNY, funny movie, by the way.  My parents bought me a coffee maker for my birthday.  MY PARENTS ARE THE BEST.  I was so cracked out on caffeine yesterday.  You should have seen how productive i was after that.  Man I woke up sick on saturday, spent most of the day in bed.  grrrreat.  gotta love colds.  I checked this morning before going to class and was all excited to see how cold it supposedly was.  I got my awesome scarf all situated, walked outside, and realized it was nowhere near cold enough for said scarf.  So, with a heavy sigh, I walked back inside and tossed my scarf back in my room.  So now every morning I shall start my day by turning on the coffee maker.  You don't know how excited i am at this prospect.  technically, they're 'illegal' in the dorms, but since when has that stopped me?  i have a million candles, too.  i'm a dorm fire waiting to happen.  the comedian on comedy central right now is NOT funny. bleh.  um....when am i gonna do my christmas shopping? sigh.  other than that, it's a great day!


Hey there.  I've been sick since last saturday.  methinks that when i'm sick for over a week, it's not just a cold.  i threw up twice this morning, but hey, that got me out of my 9 am class early.  but i looked cute today, so it's ok or something.  i have my last two finals thursday and move out of here on friday.  hoping to move into the house on saturday or sunday, we'll see what happens.  gotta love uhauls.  leaving piedmont will be SO sad.  it's already depressing in my room, with everything down off the walls and in bags and stuff.  tomorrow i need to go to the post office to mail stuff and check on my box, which i haven't checked in about 2 weeks, and load some of this junk into my car.  tonight i'm heading over to galia's house with dave and crystal (anthony might come if he's not bogged down with bio and CIS), as galia's heading back to argentina tomorrow.  i'm excited about moving.  i'm excited about settling down in one place and establishing a little place for myself.  i'm REALLY looking forward to not living in a dorm anymore.  life without visitation hours will be blissful.
forgot to mention how fun thanksgiving was at my house with all my family there.  crystal came too, since her family didn't celebrate until the next day.  i think i caught my sickness from my adorable baby cousins, though.  enough for now.

I hate Christmas.  I hate the songs on the radio, I hate the festive sweaters, I hate the stress of last minute shopping, I hate shopping at all.  I hate that I have to show my family how much I love them by buying them junk they won't even use or remember 3 days later.  i want to go sit on some nice sunny beach somewhere for christmas. by myself.  with a cooler and an umbrella.  I once asked one of my very religious friends if it was ok that i still celebrated christmas even though i'm agnostic.  he said sure, it's a commercial holiday anyway. exactly.  christmas doesn't mean anything, and it's infinitely tedious when people try to MAKE it mean something. I hate christmas traditions and i hate feeling guilty that i didn't help decorate the house this year even though i was off at school and i hate how anticlimactic the whole friggin day is and i hate how the holidays mean being polite to a bunch of people you'd rather just leave on the side of the highway.
I'm a wee bit stir crazy from being at home so long.  i'm counting down the hours until i can head off to athens, have an awesome new years party, and start my edumacation there.  three colleges in three years -- quite impressive if you ask me.
i finally met my nephew.  i was right! he IS a mini chris. it's great. my brother is responsible for another human life.  scary!!
I saw this great movie, Me Without You.  go rent it, it's super good.  tonight jessica and i are going to see Love Actually, something i'm VERY excited about because i love movies like that.  i went with joey manguno and his friend brian to see lord of the rings. it's SO SO SO SO good. SO good.  GREAT, even.
Bah humbug.


So i think karma came and kicked me in the ass because of that last rant.  Are you ever driving behind someone and you think, oh dear, i should avoid that person because he or she is driving like a deranged maniac? well, i had that thought, and then she plowed into my car.  we were both turning right, i was behind her, but she turned into the right turn lane and i had turned into the straight lane.  i watched in this sort of oh-crap-i-can't-do-anything mode as she decided she wasn't going to turn right after all, and suddenly began to do a u-turn...right into my vehicle.  i sorta t-boned her, then our cars slid along each other, throwing me against the steering wheel, and ensuring that i would spend a lovely time at the chiropractor's office.  none of the people in the car jumped out to see if i was ok, but whatever. my grill was knocked about 10 feet out into the road, and i retrieved it while whimpering about the sad state of my baby. her front end was just sort of hanging off.  i kept thinking thank god this wasn't my fault.  stupid girl.  so i get a rental car until the guys at the car place can reattach the front end of my car.  SIGH.  if i get a new grill, i think i'll mount the broken-off one on my wall at the house.


Got word today that the cost of repairs for my jeep would be more than the car is even worth, i.e. she's totaled.  *cue hysteric sobbing*
You could say I'm a little disappointed.  I thought i'd have one long courtship with that car. I suppose I should have seen it coming.  Tomorrow is the memorial, my dad and i go to take the license plate and clean her out.  Then i hug her and try desperately to get the now extinct Jump Little Children sticker off the back window. dammit, i will, and I'll try to scrape off the piedmont sticker too, so when i go to visit, i won't get a ticket.  Well, so anyway.
I got a new car.  Sorta. Almost.  They have to repaint the hood and whatnot.  It's really pretty. A dark blue Jeep Grand Cherokee.  It's big and it's swanky and there's much more to it than there was to my baby, but i'm sure we'll get along.  We might sleep in separate bedrooms at first, then work slowly up to holding hands and the like, but....i'm retarded. 
ok i almost just started crying thinking about my car on some scrap heap.

HAPPY new year!  a little late, sure.  I'm all moved into the house and equipped with my new car.  the day my dad and i cleaned out my old one, there were actually a few tears shed.  the new years party was interesting.  my roommates completely disapproved of all my friends, and there were a few i quite disapproved of as well.  i didn't think friends were supposed to do things like that....oh well...
anthony's coming over later on his way back to piedmont to pick up his jacket that he left here on new years, as well as deanna's pants and laurie's christmas present.
dad brought my computer back today and took me out to lunch AND bought me stuff at wal mart.  i proceeded to clean the kitchen and do dishes and cleaned up my room the slightest bit.  cleaning stuff up always puts me in a better mood. don't know why...
went to orientation yesterday and met some pretty neat people. even met one girl who lives here in my neighborhood! wacky... i register for classes tomorrow and it doesn't look like i'll be getting anything worthwhile.  the journalism school can send you either to canada or france for study abroad.  canada....or france.  so i'm taking french this semester.  i also have to take another math class, a fact about which i'm pissed.
Jonathan told me he's gonna be back in Columbia next weekend.  to visit old boyfriend or not to visit old boyfriend?  that is the question.  my darling juli called me on new years, and that made me sooo happy! i miss that girl so much and it was good to hear her voice.  i need to call her back.
speaking of which, i don't answer my cell phone anymore while i'm at the house because it's pointless. i get absolutely no reception here for some reason.  so just email me or ask for the house number or something.  i need to write thank you notes...bugger...


So I'm sitting here alone in my freezing cold house wondering where my roommates are.  ok, well nolan's at home getting more x-rays and stuff, and allison's at at home...but where the crap is jeff?  and why am i so cold?  i cleaned the living room again today.  smells blissfully of pledge.  i should go buy some carpet cleaner, to be honest.  our carpet is pretty nasty.
i called my dad the other day just to tell him how happy i am here.  i mean...really happy.  this is a feeling that was previously lacking in regard to my living arrangements.  i love the town, the school, and the people.  which brings me to an observation i made, however incorrect it may be....this is sort of an unattractive campus.  and i don't mean the campus itself.  the campus itself is awesome.  i'm talking about the student body.  it's interesting, i mean i'm just comparing it to usc and piedmont and that's what i've come up with.  which probably lends itself to my habit of staring longingly --and with drool streaming from the corner of my lips -- at this guy in my french class.  the more i look at him, the more i realize just how incredibly hot he is.  MODEL hot.  PERFECT hot.  BADNASTY hot.  granted, he's not a natural blonde.  which is odd, considering his hair is perfectly done a la britney spears highlights or somesuch.  POINT IS: he's beautiful.
ooh, somebody's home. maybe?  jeff and lindsey.  jeff does not appear to be in best of moods, as he didn't respond when i yelled at him. haha.  ahem.


an amusing response from my brother.
in other news, things at the house are good.  classes are good.  life is...good.  all set to go to ramsey to run for a while, i discovered my definite LACK of any running type shoes...i can wear old pony sneakers, right? hehe...well whatever, i just want to get some extra walking or running or heavy breathing in, as well as pick up a schedule of classes offered...i'd like to start taking yoga again, since yoga is FANtastic.  what brought this on? you might ask.  well jessica im'ed me the other night saying that some of us should get together and do something beachy for spring break.  i'm all for that.  this getting up and going to class in freezing weather has definitely put me in a needing-some-warmth mode.  yeah and basically i just want to get in shape.  the only time i really see how out of shape i am is when my lungs collapse on the way to my religion class.
as far as all this hoo-ha about the democrats...i'll vote for whoever's not bush. 


as i am currently telling crystal...i am sick of frickin winter.  i want to go somewhere beachy...but hilton head probably won't be warm by march, will it? waaaaah.  oh yeah, i'm gonna kill crystal because she neglected to buy her gavin degraw ticket and now the show's sold out.  so i have a ticket AND NO ONE TO GO WITH. death, crystal.  death.  last night i went with jeff and lindsay to see jeff's friend's band play.  ran into some piedmont people there, which was weird and random.  the band just played a bunch of covers (a lot of them came off the cd of movie theme song covers that newfound glory did...) and one original song that sounded like a cover of another song. ow, i just hit my  knee.  tomorrow's the superbowl, woop, who cares.  i assume we're going someplace to watch it, that should be neat.  NEAT.  i watched vh1 ALL DAY.  this is a sickness.  hence, my brain has rotted away and i should go do something else.


I don't understand why it's so wrong to allow gay couples to marry.  why should marriage be restricted to just a man and a woman?  half of marriages in this country end in divorce anyway, aren't any of those people concerned about that?  why is it so wrong for these people to want to legally cement their relationship the same way YOUR parents did?  i just don't understand.
in other news....i had a math test today and i'm not sure i did too well on it.  but hey, it's me, and i've always sucked it up at math.  i think my problem is that i have a ti-89, which i have NO idea how to operate, instead of the ti-83 that the rest of the class & the teacher uses.
i've been going to the gym to run and use the bikes, in addition to eating as healthily (healthy?) as possible.  i'll be in shape for spring break if it kills me.  right now, the plan is to go to key largo with jessica, clay, and andrew, but we'll see.  andrew's willing to drive, and what a drive it will be.  but hey, it's college. road trips come with the territory, n'est-ce pas? yeah that's right. french. EAT IT.
i'm used to filling up the tank on my old car, which usually came to about 20 bucks.  filling up my new car yesterday, i almost choked: nearly 30 bucks!! holy crap.  i mean i know gas prices are a little steeper, but....eep.
yeah so the running and stuff has got me feeling a little better.  it's my goal to get addicted to it again like i was this summer, during which time i felt terrible if i skipped a day.  i also almost died while running one day, at which point i stopped, but hey.
and there happens to be a boy i have my eye on, but i don't know...when i find out more, i'll let you know.
i'm going home saturday to attend the gavin degraw show....BY MYSELF! *grumble grumble crystal grumble grumble* should be interesting.  also might snag a haircut while i'm there, too.  gettin' a little shaggy.  an hour and a half till i head to the the meantime, i' nothing. but i'll do it really well.

to those of you who are still wearing trucker hats....
So i went to the gavin degraw concert last saturday night, and it sucked. HARD.  I should've known not to get a ticket to a show sponsored by Q100(one of several local teeny bopper radio stations), but i really like the guy and figured it couldn't be that bad.  IT COULDN'T BE THAT BAD?  WAS I INSANE? WAS I ON DRUGS?  i walked in and the floor was already packed with 14 year old girls who will inevitably mature into whores and sorority girls, all wearing skimpy-ass tops despite the 25 degree weather outside.  Looking around, i discovered why the tickets had sold out so quickly.  it wasn't because he has some huge fanbase in atlanta.  it's because half the people there were parents!  PARENTS!! WHY WOULD YOU NOT LET YOUR STUPID CHILDREN GO TO THE SHOW BY THEMSELVES? not to mention some of these parents were IN MY WAY the whole time.
listen, this was about a week ago and i'm still bitter, so i'll keep complaining, thankyouverymuch.
so i found this great spot at the top of the stairs (we're in the cotton club here, so you know) where i could look straight down on the stage.  i even stood next to another girl who'd come by herself, so all was good with the world.  i yawned through the opening bands, and could feel the crowd expanding around me as it came closer to showtime.  next thing i know, dude's onstage singing in that voice i love and there are suddenly 3 MILLION MORE PEOPLE standing in front of me.  this, in addition to me having to move out of the way anytime anyone wanted to go up or down the stairs.  i hate people SO MUCH.  i noticed some girls in the front row throwing gavin the metal sign.  Don't throw him the metal sign, i thought. DO NOT throw him the metal sign!  where do you think you are? a pantera concert?  he's a dude playing a keyboard with an ok band behind him!
i waited to hear 2 songs i knew, then left.  i think i got home around midnight. MIDNIGHT! i hate you people!!  i found out from the girl i was standing next to that she had only heard of him because he sings the theme song to some WB show.  THE WB?!?! GODDAMNITALLTOHELL!! AAAAAAGGGGGGGGH!!!!
I drove home, pissed as hell, mad that i couldn't just stand and enjoy a show, mad that i smelled like cigarette smoke and the show hadn't even been worth it, mad that the mexican guy in the parking lot had yelled at me.
[More about this week to come.]

ah, valentine's day.  the time of year when single people everywhere either want to drown themselves in a vat of chocolate or drink themselves to death.  mine hasn't actually shaped up to be so bad, although i thought it would be dismal.  i played fill-in date for nolan since his girlfriend was excessively late getting to athens.  i was going to get dinner with brandon and lindsey, but brandon has the stomach flu, which is not fun, i can tell you from experience.
ha, so my roommate from last year just im'ed me to tell me that this guy i was sorta seeing last year was having sex with some other girl while we were an 'item' and he got her pregnant!  yikes!  i started laughing when she told me, which i'm not entirely sure is the right response, but still.  i don't know, should i care more?  we were never really officially anything, and whatever we were sure didn't last very long.  i don't know, what do i do with this sort of information?  well obviously, i felt the need to inform everyone i know by putting it on my website, but really come on, i mean how was i supposed to react?  heh.
time to go wreak havoc upon beaver pointe!

what a great day.  i started out by not going to math or geography.  neither takes attendance and both are stupid.  after sleeping in, i drove downtown to deposit a check, make an appointment to get my hair cut on friday, and to pick up a ticket to jump little children for crystal.  only thing that went wrong was that helix, this awesome store, did not have burts bees chapstick, of which i have run out.
i went to the language lab to do my dictee for french, then went to my religion class, where i promptly wanted to commit mass murder.  after nearly every point the professor makes, at least one of these 2 stupid girls will frantically interrupt to say, wait repeat that i didn't understand what do you mean can you say that entire last 10 minute explanation again?  seriously, folks.  it's not that hard.  there was a theory in Joshua and a theory in judges.  the two explanations didn't match.  she's explaining what biblical scholars think.  and i'm going to kill you.
they're just as bad as this girl in my sociology class (race and ethnicity in america).  before every personal story this stupid girl tells (and she tells quite a few), she HAS to mention that she's half korean.  i got so frustrated yesterday that i wanted to start clapping and congratulate her for being half korean and to tell her parents good job for having sex 20 something years ago.
anyway, the boy called while i was on the bus en route to the gym.  i was so irrationally happy on the walk up the hill to ramsey that i almost grabbed the girl behind me to yell 'he called! he called!'
i came home and cooked myself a mean rad dinner and now it's french studying time.


i am pooped.  i'm one tired little girl.  i randomly developed this stupid head cold over the weekend and took LOTS of tylenol sinus medicine and am now on the road to recovery.
Crystal came to athens on friday to go see Jump with me at the georgia theatre, a show which was AWESOME, by the way.  it was my 20th, and i'm sad to report that i still have not worked up the guts to talk to them.  i think i would combust.  i do believe i'm past the point of needing to be down in front for every show, so we stood up behind the sound board and had a perfect view the entire time.  deanna randomly showed up towards the end, which was awesome, since i hadn't seen her in forever.  crystal and i bonded with these drunk frat guys behind us. normally i think i would've been annoyed, but these guys were all singing along, and well, we just joined in.  not to mention we all started quoting the chappelle show.
we wandered around downtown saturday afternoon and i found this amazing denim jacket that i LOVE but it's a teeny bit too small....but they didn't have any other i'm considering going back to get it anyway.  should i?  i should.  i should at least go try it on again and dance in front of the mirror for a while.  if i can find sarah, this girl i know who works there, maybe i can beg her to order a larger size. yeah i'll go get it.  i mean it was AWESOME.  it's just money, right? HAha. not much money, dad don't worry don't look at me like that!
oh yeah, so i'm pretty sure we've got it straightened out as to what my job will be this summer.  i'll be choring in the kitchen and i think katie and i will be splitting the task of bookkeeper while alex is the lifeguard/head waiter.  should be an AWESOME summer, i'm so excited.  holy hell, why does it have to still be only february?  and it's even an extra day long this year!! stupid leap year, i hate you!!
DEFINITELY looking forward to spring break as well.  we're driving down to safety harbor, fl (sounds exciting, no?) in the tampa bay area.  SOOOOO EXCITED.  we're staying at a spa/resort place.  can you say 'massages every day'?  "Oh man i worked SO hard laying out on the beach today, i'd love a massage."


I did a lot of random thinking today, like when i was driving or sitting in class.  not when i was running, though, because sweat takes the place of all thought.  i got to thinking about this guy i was sorta seeing at the very beginning of my freshman year and how i'd like to tell him that he just scooped me up at a really bad time and that i wasn't myself, nor did i feel like i could be.  maybe i'd tell him that i felt really used.  i'd tell him but...i really have no desire to talk to him, really.  not because i hate him still, but because there's no need.  the point is, it's in the past.  i don't so much flinch anymore when i think about it, and that's a good thing.  i also thought about the time juli and i met the guys from The Little and Boys Go To War, about Ian and his brothers, Gavin and Nigel, and how adorable and sweet they were and how much fun Juli and I had being absolutely delirious and stupid together.  i thought about some other stuff too, but it's more current events rather than stuff i can reminisce about, so it'll remain top secret for another year or so, i suppose.
nasty, nasty day today and i had to buy another frickin 20 dollar umbrella since the skies opened up during lunch.  didn't go get the jacket. maybe tomorrow. i'm a sweaty senorita after my run, so it's to the shower i go.

it has been wonderfully, ridiculously warm here for the past few days and i'm rather enjoying it (except for the part where nolan's being an AC nazi!!!! yeah that's right.).  I'm so tired.  i was on the phone with SOMEONE for quite a while last night, and then couldn't fall asleep because i was so damn hot and my fan clicks like a bastard.  i've been checking the forecast for florida almost every day, and i'm's all up in the high 70s and low 80s up until the day we'll get there, at which point it drops to the mid to low 70s.  someone will pay for this.  who cares, it could be 60 and sleeting and i'd still be out on the beach.
i slacked today and didn't go to the gym.  i feel gross as a result.
my sociology exam was ridiculously easy today, but he's probably gonna be really nit-picky about the short answers.  stupid class.
as much as i hate french, i love the class. and not only because of that beautiful boy.  we're all friends in there and we have a good time.  we debated some cartoons the other day, because dimitri had the audacity to say that family guy is better than the simpsons.  ok, i'll give you that family guy has more surface humor, but come on, the simpsons started it.
so how's this for greatness:  in my religion class tomorrow, our kickass teacher is showing monty python's the life of brian.  how perfect?! how fabulous.  i can't wait.
also: french teacher collected 1 page out of the 2 we had to do for hw...and it was the only one i'd done! i'm awesome!
i'm also considering taking a nice long bubble bath.  haven't taken one in quite a while.
happy march 4th, dad!

well here i am at home doing nothing, which is usually what i end up doing when i'm back in marietta.  i'm all geared up to leave for florida tomorrow and am super excited.  i just hope jessica doesn't take up the whole car with her socks.  seriously, i'm worried.  it's gonna be one hell of a boring drive, and we might not all make it there or back alive.  not from a car wreck, mind you, but from killing one another with our bare hands.
mom and i went shopping today and did some major damage.  i got some new shoes and some other stuff, including an awesome clock for our kitchen in athens.  my body doesn't understand why i haven't gone running again...i haven't been running since wednesday, i think, and it feels terrible.  so i suppose i really will keep it up after the break.  after all, i love these leg muscles now.  who needs a boyfriend when you've got leg muscles to keep you warm at night? oh dear.
looks like i'll be working in the kitchen this summer with jon vance, katie's friend kelsey, and well, pam of course. katie's doing the whole lifeguard/bookkeeper/head waiter thing.  does this mean i'm the head cook type person? oh god, no good can come of this.
i'd like to go to the bookstore and pick up some other stuff to read on the trip, as i have a feeling catch 22 will not read itself.  i read the first 30 pages or so and am not as of yet interested.  maybe i'll just read something jessica's bringing.  i'm bringing enough magazines to kill an entire rainforest, but they'll probably only last me the trip down, if even that.  maybe i'll make myself read every single article in each one.

i'm distracted by about 50 things right now, but i'm still updating this stupid thing.  i have a big weather & climate test next week but definitely did NOT study at all.  i DID go buy that denim jacket, though!!! hurray for moi.
spring break was fabulous.  we did nothing a lot.  woke up, went to the pool all day.  i did get a shade or two darker, a fact of which i'm proud.  umm i don't want to go back to my daily routine at all, but i am sort of looking forward (in that not really way) to getting back to running.
ok, the roommates and adult swim are calling.  i have to answer.  to the living room!

i don't know why i even bothered to write an entry yesterday, my brain was off its hinge and i didn't have much of anything to say anyway.  so who watched adult swim last night? FUNNY episode of aqua teen hunger force.  funny, mainly because it made fun of frat guys.  ah, joy.  today sucked, but not really.  it just mainly sucked to be back in classes, especially french.  i lost all capacity to understand over the break, which does not bode well for what will happen over an entire summer.
i felt all cracked out today, unable to concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes.  lack of sleep is never good, but maybe JUST MAYBE it's worth it sometimes.  i'm supposed to go pick up nolan at some point at the tire place...he has yet to call...maybe he ran away with the mechanics.
i finally found my little adaptor thing that lets me listen to my cd player through my car's tape player.  excellent, no more listening to the stupid radio.  it's still a bit of a hassle, but at least i'm free of DJs and the same 3 songs over and over.  i went to media play the day i left for athens and it's the weirdest mix...the OK go cd that came out a million years ago, a bob seger cd from the 70s, and an otis redding greatest hits cd. huzzah! ummmm go st patricks day! on wednesday!


OK what's a nice way to get someone to STOP talking to you without being a heinous bitch?  I talked to this guy from my religion class one day and apparently that means we must talk EVERY day now.  he even started going to my bus stop as opposed to, well, a different one.  whenever we're talking, i inevitably end up staring at his teeth.  i'm very much a teeth person, and if yours are ugly, well, i'm going to stare. it's not my fault! it's just a thing!  i'll become a better person NEXT week, i swear.  i studied for god knows how long yesterday for my french test, and i really don't know how i did on it.  i mean i guess i did ok, whatever.
my geography weather and climate test is a whole nother story, however!!  i got it back today and i scored an 89!! not only is that fantastic, but the teacher told us he's adding 5 points to everyone's test!! a 94!!! that should balance out the 72 i got on the last test! huzzah!! Also somehow managed to pull a 102 on my sociology exam!! I am the best at everything!!!
mm mm i just ate a tasty granola bar.
the wretched phone has been causing me to lose much sleep, but i can't say i'm particularly unhappy about it.  there's a great show coming up at emory next month. better than ezra and ari hest. problem is, the stupid thing is at 4 pm, which means i'm gonna take my french test early that day, miss religion, and haul ass to atlanta.  i can do it.  i already told you i'm the best at everything!  why does no one believe me?
i got cotton candy today outside of tate.  mm mm.
i'm quite unhappy that today was so cold.  i was really liking the idea of warmth. oh well, gives me an excuse to wear my snazzy denim jacket.
i had SOO much fun on st patty's day.  thanks to all of you fabulous individuals who showed up and made the night so great.  nolan and i had gone to buy decorations and my, my did our living room look outstanding.  i suppose it's time to study a bit.  au revoir, mes amies!

i love cadbury eggs -- both the original and caramel kind.  the only problem with the regular kind, however, is that the gooey fake egg goodness leaks out, making the tinfoil wrapper stick to the chocolate.  it's like it took a big cadbury crap inside its tinfoil diaper.

I knew today would be one of those days when I checked my online horoscope and it said this:
"Your horoscope for Monday, April 5:

...I don't know if you noticed, but nothing's there.  According to my horoscope, I had no reason to hope for anything good to happen to me today.  I was one cranky college student for the first half of the day.  I was tired, it was cold outside, and it turns out I didn't need to go to math because he hadn't graded our tests yet.  Good thing i went to geography, though -- we apparently have a test friday.  shouldn't be too hard (my confidence probably means I will fail miserably).
We're not going to Monday night trivia tonight since the game is on.  as much as i love trivia night, i'm looking forward to getting in my pjs and doing nothing for the rest of the evening.  doing NOTHING is sorely underrated.
i'm not sure what i'm gonna do for dinner though.  i guess i should take some of mom's chili out of the freezer. aaagh it's already nearly 630!! this whole daylight savings crap really throws me off.  i think i'll order some roman shades from urban outfitters.  could just go to the store,
weekend was good.  saw Better Than Ezra and Ari Hest at emory this weekend.  i'm glad to know there's an entire college full of people dorkier than me, for the most part.  bte is always funny and ari hest sounds just like he does on his cd.  amazing voice, and much taller than i expected...i don't see why that matters, but still.  went to the dogwood festival with dad on saturday, and he bought me this awesome print of a purple cow.  when i walked into the lady's tent, i flipped out and immediately told her how much i loved everything she had on display.  Wendy Detrick Worsham.  check her out.

Oy.  What a week.  What a weekend it shall be.  What a week next week will be.  Basically, i have a bunch of crap to do and i don't want to do any of it.  my stupid (well i actually like her, but not at the moment) french teacher is giving us ANOTHER test on monday -- on top of the stupid project she's having us do, too.  Went out with everybody for the first time in a while last night and had a good ol' time.  i ended up getting a bad grade on my math test, and i really don't know how i did on my sociology test.  got a low b on my french test, which means i did really a lot worse than normal.  but everybody did, so...whatever.  stupid french.  turns out i have to take 2 more semesters to fulfill grady requirements.  please shoot me in the face now.  i hate french. bleh.  i didn't go home this weekend for easter and for lily's baptism because of all this crap.  i almost said that in french to my teacher on friday, just to see if i could guilt trip her. but i didn't.
Pilot Round the Sun is a band i'd love to see live again.  last time i saw them was over a year ago back in columbia.
i bought 7 azalea bushes today at the horticulture club plant sale.  pretty!  won't have time to plant them until next week sometime.
why isnt it summer?

Oh, look at that, our internet's working. What a novel concept.  I HATE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.  They can bite me.  Our internet decided to crap out just when i really needed it to contact all sorts of journalism people.  It's been up for a while today, but i don't want to jinx anything.
I have a religion test tomorrow on Christianity.  I tried to read all 3000 pages of the Christianity chapter in our book, but realized I'd failed to do so when i woke up with the book still in my hand.  so much for that.
I gave my presentation in french on tuesday, and it sucked.  oh well.  i did my best, but come on.  all we do every day is talk about what we did yesterday, what we're doing today, and what we'll do this weekend.  and from that she expects us to talk about a random topic in french for 3 to 5 minutes? she can bite me, too.  i'm feeling very hormonal, and i apologize.  it's beyond my control, if you grasp my meaning.  jellybeans are NOT a satisfactory substitute for chocolate, but that won't stop me from eating this whole bag.  i'm picking out all the pink, green, and purple ones.  poor jeff has insomnia, but he cleaned our entire kitchen and living room the other night because of it.  clean kitchens and living rooms make caro happy.
i'm losing motivation to go to the gym.  i felt like i was gonna throw up when i went on tuesday.  or was it wednesday? yeah it was yesterday.  basically i'm THISCLOSE to letting myself become an obese blob and just giving the rest of the world the finger.

...i get the distinct feeling i should not leave the house again today.  it has been the weirdest day and it continues to grow stranger.  I got to my geography class and no one was there.  i feel like the prof's playing a mean joke on me.  "ooh she wasn't here monday, so let's hold class in another room and not tell her!" i can just see him now with that goofy ass grin, rubbing his hands together maniacally.
i shrugged that off and went to buy football tickets.  as i was leaving the coliseum, a flood of special ed kids surrounded me and i had to shove through them to get to the bus stop.  once on the bus, i realized i had gotten on the wrong one and proceeded to take a scenic tour of the other side of campus.  lovely, really.  i made it to the bulldog cafe in one piece and, as i was eating my cheeseless turkey and cheese sandwich (sigh), i looked around and noticed i was surrounded by tons of kids with their parents.  were all my greek system peers aging in reverse?
just then i heard some loud music coming from outside tate and decided to finish studying outside.  as i read over my notes, i heard the background singers say something odd.  i listened more carefully and, sure enough, they were singing, "Legalize the weed" over and over.  My friend matt got there just in time for me to look quizically and helplessly at him.  i could barely hear what he was saying to me over the chorus of "Fuzzy Plastic Peach."
On the way back to the parking deck after getting off the bus, this guy was walking alongside me.  normally when you get in that awkward situation of walking at the same pace as the person next to you, you do what every normal person does: ignore the dude next to you.  not this guy. nooo.  here's how the conversation went:
dude: *mumbles*
me: what?
dude: where you headed?
me: ...uh...the deck...*points at only deck around*
dude: that deck?
me: uh, yeah.
dude: you know there's a camera up there.
me: *dumbfounded pause*....what?
dude: there's a big camera up there. see it?
me: uh...oh.
dude: it films people right here! just walking! isn't that crazy?
me: oh..uh...yeah.
dude: *mumbles*
me: what?
dude: what's your major?
me: *incredulous stare* journalism.
dude: ohhh, ok.
yeah, and then he crossed the street and i continued to the parking deck.  i wish i could say the fun stopped there. but no.  it definitely continued once i got home.
my dad emailed me asking if and why i'd made a certain charge on my credit card.  all these words were involved that held absolutely no meaning for me, so i told him no, i didn't make that charge.
*cue really bad feeling in pit of stomach*
yes, it's everyone's favorite experience, credit card fraud!  huzzah!  so now that account is cancelled and a new card is in the mail.  damnit.  maybe it was the same person who stole my shoes (SHOES of all things!) over spring break.  So some of us are getting dinner downtown later, and i must say that i'm feeling the slightest bit of trepidation.  let's just hope i don't get hit by a car or something.

I think they need to figure out a better way to warn people that college station rd. is closed other than just strewing police cars and firetrucks all across the road.  my usual 10 minute trip home turned into an hour of sitting in traffic.  i figrued i could bypass the college station mess by turning onto the loop, as my exit is only one down from the college station exit.  BUT NO.  instead, i sat behind some butch lesbian with a license plate holder that had paw prints all over it.  and let me tell you: a license plate holder with paw prints on it becomes MUCH LESS CUTE when you're staring at it for an hour.  by the time i got home, i wanted to kill everyone.
after a huge dinner with the "family" and much cleaning, i have mellowed out.

soap.  soap is what caused all of college station to be shut down that day.  they thought it was some giant toxic spill, but it was SOAP.
i feel like a giant nerd, i'm sitting here in the slc between exams updating my website.  well hey, gimme a break, our internet is all effed up at the house again, and i swear to god i just want to kill everyone who works at charter.  it was working fine until nolan got back, i think his computer is possessed.
i forgot to talk about the jump show on the 24th.  it was awesome.  andrew and i went to their acoustic thing at tower records beforehand and i FINALLY talked to them...sorta.  i walked up, nervous as hell, and said that that night's show would be my 21st.  they didn't care, but they did a good job of pretending to.  and then they signed my cd and andrew practically had to carry me out of the store.  the show at the variety playhouse that night was awesome, of course.  matt got bullied into singing pink lemonade.  it was the first time i'd ever see him look bashful or reluctant.
i have my religion final today at 330, math final tomorrow at 8 am, nothing wednesday, and then french and sociology on thursday.  FRENCH WILL KICK MY ASS.  i am SO not looking forward to getting mind-raped by this test.  i actually ran into my french teacher yesterday, and i'm surprised i didn't get down on my knees and beg her to kill me instead.
went to seth's graduation party thing on saturday.  the theme was "what the fuck" and i wrapped myself up in colored christmas lights.  i think jeff threw me in a bush about 5 times, but i somehow escaped major injury.  everybody appreciated the cupcakes i brought, hurray.  mmmm cupcakes.

So this school year is coming to a close.  i've been running ideas for my year in review through my head and will post something eventually.  i'm pretty sure it will be less controversial than last year's ended up being.  Nolan left for his major roadtrip today, alison leaves saturday for a month, so it'll be jeff and me running the house.  until i leave, that is.  i'm really excited about michigan.  i feel like this summer will be quite the adventure.  i mean, sequanota is it.  there won't be anything else.  i'm going to be there until 2 days before classes start! i'm quite panicked about that, actually.  it's not a good idea to cut it so close, but hey, i didn't schedule it, so whatever.  nothing i can do now.  i did not attend music midtown for the 2nd year in a row, and i'm not sad.  when they start letting fewer people in, i'll start going again.  it doesn't help that it's always the weekend before finals.  speaking of which, i have my last two tomorrow. one at 330 and one at 7.  sociology will be a breeze for the most part, but french is shaping up to be rather grim.  i wrote a long paragraph about my brother and his wife and baby in french last night just to practice.  so if she asks for a paragraph on being an aunt, i'm golden.


wrote my annual
Year in Review.  Check it out, yo.

We got a letter at the house today (or yesterday, or the day before...we don't check the mailbox regularly) addressed to Spencer Charlton.  Someone named Spencer Charlton used to live here. Spencer Charlton doesn't even sound like a real name.  It sounds like the kind of name you make up to mess with people, to use on a fake ID, to use when you fill out those credit card applications with fake information just to get the free T-shirt.  I opened it, of course. Nothing interesting.
We also get calls every once and a while for this girl, Nicole I think, who used to live here.  I want to yell at the caller and say, "Get a frickin clue! Nicole doesn't live here anymore!  And obviously she doesn't like you enough to give you her new phone number, so just stop trying!"  I'm pretty sure it's Nicole's minions who keep calling and hanging up.  Happened twice today, and while I'm pretty sure it's just those recorded telemarketer messages, I like to think this girl has a posse and is checking up on us here at her old house.

Here I am at home in the ATL and fresh off the treadmill.  I'm in an absolutely fabulous mood because running is somehow easier on that thing, and plus, i got to look out over our porch and plan how I'd redo it.  that's a little secret passion of mine: obsessive redecoration.  i just sat on my bedroom floor and drew up plans for what i want it to look like if/when we turn it into a guestroom FINALLY.  i got all trading-spaces and even drew up plans for a bedside table shelving unit thing that looks pretty cool, if i do say so myself.  paint is always the hardest thing and i really have no idea what color to go with.  i'm not a huge fan of the current color, so we'll just have to see what happens. off i go again to brainstorm! 

I'm heading up to Michigan at the crack of dawn monday morning, not to return until august 17.  many, many things have happened...or maybe just one important thing...and so the time by the lake should be good for some clearing of the mind.  you should all expect postcards that describe how much my job sucks...but i can tell you now, that no matter how much i'll complain, i will still love it.  If you want to write to me but don't have my address...well either expect a postcard with a return address or just be sad without it.
my hair was cut too short, but i have new shoes now. and a weird new jacket that makes me look like a circus freak who belongs on miami vice. but it's cool, don't let that description scare you.  this summer will be long and "interesting" -- my vague description for most everything -- so also expect some odd stories when i get home.  i go straight back to classes as soon as i get home, so hopefully i won't want to shoot myself in the face too badly.
everybody call jessica, she's been really sick and unwell, and she could use your love.  and call cory, cause he's sad his girlfriend can't.  and call my mom cause she'll be lonely at home.  and....well, don't call me, cause my crappy cellphone probably won't get service up north.  but DO try anyway, and leave me a message.
happy summering, yall.  see you in a few months.


Oh man, Winterville is the cutest town.  I just drove all over it for about a half hour trying to find the post office, and it's so cute!  not the post office, the town, although the post office IS rather teeny.  So yeah.  It's been a while, huh?  Michigan was awesome, of course.  the job sucked ass, but i sure did have a great time in spite of it.  I met katie's friend kelsey, who's just an awesome girl, and hung out with [some of] the old crowd.  emily and lexi didn't show up until the end of the summer, and jessica was mainly only there on weekends.  tom, andy, margaret, and jeb were no shows (actually, jeb showed up the day i left).  i think i might write a year in review style thing about this summer.  then again, i could continue my worthless streak and just not write anything.
classes started last week, and my semester is gearing up to be interesting.  3 classes MWF and only 2 on TT.  3 of the 4 classes i'm taking are histories.  the other one? french. ugh.  the class is somewhat stimulating, i suppose, as my teacher actually IS french and barely uses english at all when he's teaching.  throughout the entire class period, i find myself leaning forward in my seat with either a squinty-eyed look of pain or a wide-eyed look of fear.
my room is still a disgusting heap of crap since i got home and my suitcase threw up on my floor (that is, after NORTHWEST AIRLINES lost it).  i don't know, i mean i look around my room and think, i have no idea where to put all this crap.  why not leave it there?
i'm almost through with david sedaris's Me Talk Pretty One Day, and it's awesome.  i read Barrel Fever in michigan, too, and loved that.  just have to wait for Naked to be out in paperback and i'll be all over it.
i really wanted to go see Gomez last night at the roxy, but not one part of me wanted to drive all the way to atlanta.  i'm gonna be seeing butch walker twice this month, rilo kiley in october (FINALLY, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD), and brian regan in november.  i love filling up my concert calender when i return in the fall.  who's up for going?  oh yes, and of course JLC in September.  it'll be my 22nd show of theirs.  sick, isn't it?  well hey, don't blame me, i mean the guys tour all the freakin time, what am i supposed to do...not go? tcha right.  i think crystal's coming over from demorest to go with me, so that'll be fun.
i need to go to the grocery store and buy more food.  i'm so dumb, why didn't i just go straight there after my epic journey to the post office?? gah.  sigh.  rushmore is being shown tonight either at the 40 watt or at the georgia theatre...i really would rather go see that than go to trivia, which is what i've been bugging everybody to go woops! let's go see rushmore!
97 days until i'm 21.  urrrrrrghhhh

I was so frickin tired yesterday, so i went to the coffee place in the SLC.  I scanned the menu, looking for something other than just a regular cup of coffee: mocha, latte, smoothie....crackuccino?  It sounded promising.  I got up to the counter and asked the girl for an explanation, and she informed me that the drink contains 4 shots of espresso.  4 shots of espresso?! where do i sign up?!  I said yes, i'll take one please.  after looking at me for a second, she said, wow, you must need to stay awake for something (uh, tcha).  When the dude at the other end of the counter finished making it for me, he handed it over, shaking his head, saying, i don't know how the hell you drink this.  it really wasn't anything terrible.  and it didn't even do much to wake me up.
i did, however, take a 3 hour nap later in the day that served only to disorient me horribly.  why was i so tired?
i went to butch walker's show at the 40 watt thursday night, and it blew my mind.  the guy's amazing live.  so many people are iffy about him until they actually see him perform, at which point they are immediately converted.  he just....RAWKS.  haha. yes.  i felt like i was gonna die, though.  I think i'm getting old.  too old for these packed shows, anyway.  i used to love the smushed feeling, like at music midtown years and years ago, but i'm verging on hating it now.  the heat and lack of air circulation, the tall assholes perpetually in front of me, the cigarette smoke, the people constantly bumping into doesn't make for a great time.  so i watched half of the show from the bar, which is about a foot higher than where the audience is standing, so it was perfect.  i'd run there twice, desperate for a cold bottle of water.
last night i went with nolan to the damn! show at the georgia theatre, and it was friggin hysterical.  so completely offensive, so far from anything politically correct, and just great.  well, i've had about enough of sitting here with no pants on (it's a little on the warm side in my room this morning), so maybe i'll eat something and head to the gym. maybe.

During a bout of introspection, i stumbled across a lot of Nikki Giovanni's poetry and added quite a few of them to her page. 
Go look.

I now have an unnecessary overabundance of tampons.  I picked up a 40 pack at the grocery store today thinking, This is great, I won't have to buy anymore for quite a while.  When i got home, i discovered that I had apparently had this thought two previous times. such is my life.
the weather has been just gross, but i actually kind of like it.  and thanks to the hurricane, my lazy-eyed snaggle-toothed teacher's house flooded, so we didn't have class yesterday.  woopieeee!  i hate the fact that, as an upperclassman, i am now in classes that i have to write HUGE papers for. damnitalltohell, they're the kind of papers that i should start, like, NOW to have them done by the end of the semester.  this is not good for a procrastinating person such as myself.  i need to get started on a 5-page "essay" (when i was in 5th grade, essays were a paragraph response to some inane question) for my environmental history class.
yes, you heard correctly: environmental history.  i know, i know.  it sucks, and i tried to get out of it, but i couldn't and now i'm stuck reading books like The Ecological Indian.  I don't care if Indians were conservationists or not!  i don't care if they did more or less or as much damage to the environment as white settlers!! i don't caaaaare!!!!!!!
On a much brighter note, I'm going to see Rilo Kiley TWICE in october.  i'm SOOOOO excited.  i've been listening to their new cd nonstop, and i just can't wait.  they moved their atlanta show from a 21+ place (only 80 days until i'm 21) to an all-ages venue, so i'm definitely making the trek.  it's on a tuesday night, but eh, who cares, i'll drink coffee or something.  and then the next night i'll see them here in athens, and i can die happy.

What a great day.  Today was just beautiful in so many ways, and i was in a better mood than i have been in quite a while.  I ran into Stacy Peteffer and Mike Perkins, two of my favorite people.  stacy looked great, we had plenty to talk about, and hopefully i won't lose her cell phone number this time.  The temperature outside was perfect, i don't have a history essay due tomorrow, i'm going to see JLC tomorrow night and crystal's coming over from Piedmont to go with, i fixed an awesome dinner...i even forgot my gym bag and had to drive all the way home after class and all the way back to the gym...but i didn't mind.  it was one of those good drives, where you don't mind the jerk in front of you going slowly, and you barely even notice the stench coming from the water treatment plant, you're just happy that the sun is shining as you sing along to your music.  i came home and washed my sheets and towels (hurray clean sheets!  see mom, i'm a responsible young adult!), cooked a big dinner, and studied french.  part of me worries that this is some strange emotional or hormonal upswing and that i'll be back to normal tomorrow, but who cares.  today was good.

Does a song on the radio ever make you burst out laughing in surprise?  I was unfortunately subjected to the radio on the drive home today, and as i flipped through the stations, i heard "Let's Hear it for the Boys," and immediately started laughing. by myself. in my car.  Before that, I'd been listening to a nikka costa song on WUOG, a station that claims it doesn't play music that's been in the top 40.  well, nikka HAS had a song in the top 40. there's really no point to this little story other than i hate listening to the DJs on that station because they sound so bored, like they're trying to be SO HIP and it just HURTS to sit there and have to play music for such a vapid audience.  when crystal and i did radio together, you better believe we had one hell of a good time.  we sang along with songs, we made fun of each other...we LAUGHED, we had expression in our voices, too! and, naturally, we played bohemian rhapsody at the end of every show.
UM i havent had time to update.  Jump was awesome last week.  they played a bunch of requests (nolan got them to play 15 stories!), and cute little reserved jay admitted he was trashed.  I've never heard him talk much, let alone utter a bad word or be funny.  but funny he was, and the show was great.  rilo kiley is next month! woohoo!
GO SEE SHAUN OF THE DEAD NOW.  RIGHT NOW!! I went to go see that with nolan last night, and it's possibly one of the funniest movies i've ever seen.  it's british. and it has zombies. what more could you want?!?! i haven't laughed so hard and so long at a movie in a long time.
ok, mucho homeworko. but first: sushi!

The week from hell is over and i'm at home in may-retta to recuperate.  I ended up getting an 84 on that heinous midterm paper, and i'll find out next week sometime how i did on my other midterms.  now, thankfully, i can return to eating and sleeping a normal amount, and i can even start hanging out with people again! hurray.  tuesday night, brandon and i drove to atl to see rilo kiley and death cab.  we got there late (the show started early), and only saw half of rilo kiley's set.  still amazing, still fabulous.  i was not at all impressed with death cab, however. ben gibbard's voice is too lush, too smooth, too unchanging and unemotional to really fit the music.  even the faster songs sounded like tunes i'd have on in the background when i'm studying.  wednesday night nolan and i went to see rilo kiley at 40 watt and met up with stacy, her sister laura, and laura's boyfriend.  that show kicked serious ass.  tilly and the wall opened and had a TAP DANCER. awesome.  they were super.  then now it's overhead came out and i really just wanted to buy the singer some donuts -- he looked like he hadn't eaten in a few months.  their drummer was amazing, was really the backbone of their whole sound, and i was quite impressed.  rilo kiley played an amazing set.  jenny may be shy when she's talking, but behind that guitar she blows you away.  you can almost see her heart breaking onstage when she sings some of her trademark emotional songs.
we seemingly skipped over fall completely, as it's freeeeeezing outside now. we're going to have one long winter, my friends.  do they still sell the snow shoes that look like tennis rackets?  'cause i think i might be needing those for all 3 inches of snow we might get...
last night was my 23rd jump little children show at the variety playhouse. i went with crystal, my beloved HLP, and had a great time.  the show was awesome, they played so many requests and a handful of old songs.  the crowd was disturbingly young (think 14 year old girls and a few 10 year old boys with their moms) except for the chaperoning parents, so crystal and i felt oddly old.  the crowd was also too young to know that you're supposed to dance and be happy when jump plays their music, and also did not see the value in booing the horrible opening band. they'll learn -- as long as they grow spines as they get older, that is.  people were disappointingly quiet after songs and the applause for the encore was minimal.  i'm disappointed in you, young jump fans!  when will you learn?

What a crappy-ass day.  It's raining and nasty.  I got caught in a 5 second downpour earlier.  It was just long enough for me to get completely soaked and then stopped by the time I got under the cover of the bus stop. fabulous!  but i ate waffle house after class, so i'm very satisfied.
i don't wanna don't wanna don't wanna go to snaggletooth's class today.  well, i never actually want to go, but...whatever.  i have to go cause i want to turn in my scathingly witty midterm evaluation.  it's mostly about the douches i have to sit next to every day, and it was quite enjoyable to write.  screw journalism, i'll get a career in writing angry letters.
speaking of, grady pushed back the date when they'll inform me if i got in back to this wednesday (did i butcher that syntax or what?! hurray!).  come on guys.  seriously.  i need to buy red construction paper.  but not urgently...
i had this killer dream during my nap yesterday.  it was one of those that, when you wake up, you can't help thinking, 'damnit, that was just a dream...'  i really need to start working on my TWO research papers.  i'm sad that as this semester has progressed and my hard work has acquired me nothing but average grades, i'm going to accept mediocrity and get more sleep. who cares, anyway?  my GPA is going to be horrible this semester, in part because i only took 4 classes, and MORE in part because those four classes are bitches (i.e. tres difficile).
damn. i have to leave in a half hour.  this sucks.  this class has the power to utterly ruin my mood. dismal sigh.

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