Most people take pictures of their kids.  Well I don't frickin have any kids, so I take pictures of my dogs.
Yes, I cuddle with my puppies on the floor.  Doesn't everyone?  I'm chillin with Molly here.
Molly, as seen through the kitchen window.
Via the kitchen window again, but closer up this time.  Look at her legs!  They're crossed!  She's so cute!!  And chubby!!!!
Hanging out in the backyard
This was the perfect picture of her little chubby face but she hates the camera and ducked before I could get her whole face in the shot.  It's still cute!!
They both love the snow.  Again, aren't these pictures that parents normally take of their children?
Warm blooded snow shovel.
More of the same
She WOULD be looking all regal if it weren't for the clump of snow on her nose.
Now you can't tell me that this picture of Sophie doesn't melt your heart.  Just look at her!!! I took this one through the fern.  Aw, she's looking up at me!!  Awwww!!!!  I'm putting this one in a frame for sure.
She just looks weird.  But don't you still just want to love her and cuddle her and pet her and scratch behind her ears a little?
Just finished taking a poop.
She's the loner of the two.
Snow shovel #2
two random snow pictures i took.  one of a lamp outside my front door and the other of the dogwood tree in the front yard.  ooOOooOoOOOooOOhhh!
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