next day's entry
stressing about school

i love having guests. i really do. it gives you someone to be with, someone who you can share your world with, someone who can experience things with you.
although i do have to admit that sometimes having guests are too much. when you're ending the term, trying to write essays, take tests, and do all of the other fun stuff, while also trying to plan a month-long adventure around europe, it can be rather overwhelming.
don't get me wrong, i loved having both john and jane visit me. i was able to show them my entire world, however good or bad it may be. it let them see for themselves the english people and their land, important for a society often stereotyped fairly negatively by americans. they both enjoyed being here--jane was obsessed with the roman artifacts while john felt that the british isles are more home than rome is right now.
and for that, i'm happy. i'm glad they had great times here and that they've left with a broader world than they came with. heck, that's why i'm studying abroad as well!
but in the same sense, i do have to admit that having both of them visit with only three days in between, at the end of term, was just too much. i wanted to show them so much, everything i've seen, but i also needed to get work done. being a work-aholic, i couldn't do the work i needed to, which left me slightly annoyed. i did get a lot done, but i guess i had the attitude that having a visitor would be no different than having any friend here who would want to hang out, even if that hanging out was only in the dorm.
i think next time i'll stick to visitors during vacations alone!!

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