Harder Puzzles!
Puzzles that require quite a bit of thinking
unless of course you are a genius

If you get them all in less than half an hour, then you may qualify for Monkeeversity Challenge!
The Questions

You have 12 balls, one of these balls is of a different weight to the others (in other words you don't know whether it is heavier or lighter). With a balance (one where you weigh two things against each other) you have to find out which one it is. Now the hard part is that you only get three weighs!!
You have ten bags of coins, in nine of the bags you have coins weighing 1 gram. In one of the bags they weigh 1.1 gram each. You are allowed one weigh on a weighing machine to decide which bag has the coins in it weighing 1.1. gram each.
You have a boat in a loch (fixed volume of water). The boat carries loads of heavy bricks (these bricks are non porus). If a brick was taken off the boat and placed underwater, would the level of water in the loch go up or down or remain the same?
A Butcher has a 40 lb. weight and drops it on the floor by mistake. It breaks into 4 distinct parts. A customer who knows the weights of each bit, points out that the butcher is now able to weigh from 1 to 40 lbs. (with a resolution of 1 lb.) on his balance scales. How much does each bit weigh?
"U2" has a concert that starts in 17 minutes and they must all cross a bridge to get there. All four men begin on the same side of the bridge. You must help them to work out how to get across to the other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each band member walks at a different speed
A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower man's pace Bono:- 1 minute to cross Edge:- 2 minutes to cross Adam:- 5 minutes to cross Larry:-10 minutes to cross
For example: if Bono and Larry walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge. If Larry then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20 minutes have passed and you have failed the mission.
If abcde x 4 = edcba, then what number does each letter represent?
A husband who dies leaves in his will 7,999.97 GBP His 4 sons get 3 times as much as his 3 daughters, who get 2 times as much as his widow. How much does the widow get?

The Monkey Problem

The following is the famous monkey problem that has shown up in various magazines from time to time. You need a good working knowledge of algebra fundamentals to solve it.

A rope over the top of a fence has the same length on each side and weighs one-third of a pound per foot. On one end of the rope hangs a monkey holding a banana, and on the other end a weight equal to the weight of the monkey. The banana weighs 2 ounces per inch. The length of the rope in feet is the same as the age of the monkey, and the weight of the monkey in ounces is as much as the age of the monkey's mother. The combined ages of the monkey and its mother is 30 years. One-half the weight of the monkey plus the weight of the banana is one-fourth the sum of the weights of the rope and the weight. The monkey's mother is one-half as old as the monkey will be when it is three times as old as its mother was when she was one-half as old as the monkey will be when it is as old as its mother will be when she is four times as old as the monkey was when it was twice as old as its mother was when she was one-third as old as the monkey was when it was as old as its mother was when she was three times as old as the monkey was when it was one-fourth as old as its is now. How long is the banana?

See Scary Mother Ook!

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