The Monkey Story

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1. Long ago there was a rock as old as creation, which through the actions of the elements, gave birth to a stone egg! 2. The egg magically became fertile, and gave birth to a stone monkey! 3. The nature of Monkey was irrepressible! He roamed the land and met other monkeys.

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4. They came across a seemingly inpenetrable waterfall, and decide that whoever went through would be made King Monkey. 5. Monkey met an immortal, the Patriarch Subodhi, who taught Monkey many kinds of secret knowledge and ways. 6. Monkey decided that he needed a weapon, so he went to see the Dragon King of the Western Ocean, who gave him a magic wishing staff!

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7. Monkey did not want to die, so he went down to see the King of Death, and erased the name of every monkey from the register! 8. The King of death and the Dragon King of the Western Ocean complained about naughty Monkey to the Jade Emperor. 9. The Jade Emperor sent forces to deal with Monkey, but they soon found him to be more than their match!

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10. So Monkey was given jobs in Heaven - to keep him quiet. Whilst looking after the Peach Garden, Monkey ate his fill of some sacred peaches! 11. Monkey was captured by Erh-lang, and brought before the Gods in Heaven. 12. As punishment Monkey was put into a furnace for years, to see if he could be burned to death, but he could not!

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13. Monkey could be free if he could fly off Buddha's hand, he relieved himself on the pillars, which he found were actually Buddha's fingers! 14. As punishment, Monkey was trapped under a mountain until he learned the error of his ways. 15. Until Tripitaka, a young priest came his way. Monkey would escort him to India to get the Holy scriptures.

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16. Just after they started their journey they came to a river and some danger! They were attacked by a dragon! 17. The dragon ate Tripitaka's horse, so Monkey whacked it with his stick. Monkey loves a ruck. 18. The Boddhisattva turned the dragon into a horse, so the boy priest could continue his journey westward.

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19. Monkey and tripitaka came upon a pig spirit who realised he was destined to come on the journey, after a ruck with Monkey! 20. This was also the case with a nasty water spirit, who had been living in a river, killing passers by. 21. The five continued their journey to India for the five scriptures, which took them far and wide.

LE MONKEY PUZZLE / Jrs Internet & Le Monkey Solutions 2001.
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