Surprisingly a large number of people don't even spot the paradox, you are on the way to becoming a monkey genius if you can spot the paradox!

Also have a go at the cube puzzle Link to cube or the Square and Rectangle puzzle or the Missing Man

This following image isn't a paradox, but for those of you who aren't engineers or work with crafts, then this may even appear a paradox. The question is:
how do you seperate the top part from the bottom part?


Square And Rectangle

The area of the square shown below is 8 x 8 = 64. The square is cut in the four parts A, B, C, and D, which are rearranged into the rectangle shown below. This rectangle has an area of 13 x 5 = 65.

[8x8 Square] [13x5 Rectangle]

The Question: How can you explain the difference in area?


Missing Man

Look at the figure below, which shows fifteen men. The figure is subdivided into three areas (upper left, upper right, and the bottom half).

Picture with 15 men!

By exchanging the upper two parts of the figure, one gets the figure below. This new figure however only shows fourteen men! (If you don't belief what happened here: please print it, cut it, and try it out yourself!)

Picture with 14 men!

The Question: Where did the missing man go?

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