Breathe in; steal my vitality.
put me in a shallow grave...
purgatory last updated: 11/09/03


Who is Chi?

"... High school has been nothing more than a ride in the backseat of a car. Have we all become so passive at this age? Yet, life continues to pass me by outside the back window. Scenery changes, weather changes, life changes. Perhaps the saddest part of this situation is that I don't really care who is behind the wheel. I am not living my life, nor someone else's. Simply I do not live at all. What I have become is nothing more than a tourist."
Diary of a Chi, as found written 12/00

How tragic it seems for one to think in that way and miss out on a lot of the things that life can offer; imagine a walk through life without ever really having a focus...drifting through each passing day, one's face a mask devoid of all feeling. Sadly, there isn't just one person with this point of view. There are quite a few teenagers struggling to find themselves and end up taking a more complicated route to get there. It was something I went through.

This website is dedicated to helping lost souls find their light, to the individuals with the strength to be themselves, and to letting my own inner light shine. I will hide it no longer...

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