Puppy Layout Code
layout by Lemon Lime Layouts
Copy and paste onto your page!
</html><body background="http://members.hometown.aol.com/ticklish26/images/smallpurpbg.jpg">
<STYLE type="text/css"><!--
A:link{color:000000;text-decoration:underline;cursor:e-resize background-color:99ff99 }
A:hover{color:ff3366;text-decoration:underline overline;font name:lucida;cursor:sw-resize;background:url(http://members.aol.com/happyclam38/images/hooplabg.gif)}--></STYLE>

<table border=0 bordercolor=black cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><img src="http://www.geocities.com/lemonlimelayouts/puppyhat.jpg">
</td><td rowspan=2><ilayer name="scroll1">
<div id="scroll3"
overflow:auto"><center><font face="lucida sans"><a href=http://>book</a><center><font face="lucida sans"><a href=http://>me</a><center><font face="lucida sans"><a href=http://>you</a><center><font face="lucida sans"><a href=http://>www</a><center><font face="lucida sans"><a href=http://>linkies</a><center><font face="lucida sans"><a href=http://www.lemonlimelayouts.cjb.net>thanks</a><center><font face="lucida sans"><a href=http://>link</a><center><a href=http://>link</a><center><a href=http://>link</a><center><a href=http://>link</a><center><a href=http://>link</a><center><a href=http://>link</a>  </textarea></div></td></tr><tr><td><ilayer name="scroll1">
<div id="scroll3"
overflow:auto"><font face="lucida sans"><font size="2"><font color=cc0066>Blah blah blah blah blah, write write write in here, accepts html! Yay! Well this layout was made for <a href=http://www.expage.com/soccerpup>Amy!</a> So go visit her site! Okay well, this one was made by me, Elly. Yeah... well Ummmm I hope you like it! Isn't the graphic adorable! I think it is sooooooo very ery very cuteness! Aren't the links cool too how they flash? The link thing scrolls so you can put as many more links as you want! Yay!  Okay, well gotta go. Any questions? <a href=mailto:[email protected]>E-mail me!</a> Okay, well that's all now! LEAVE MY LINK ON AND SIGN THE GBOOK IF YOU TAKE THIS! You just MIGHT want to change the background, I can't really decide if it looks right! But she asked for purple, so that's what I did... I hope that's okay with her! Thanks, Elly</textarea></div>
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