200 Questions

I got this from Perfection, you can use it as well!

1. What brand of toothpaste? Rapid White
2. Shampoo Conditioner in one or separate? in one
3. What Brand(s)? Pantene ProV
4. What flavor dental floss? I don't floss =D
5. Do you roll your socks or pull them up? roll them
6. Toilet paper: wad or fold? lol..uhhh..fold!
7. Do you know Donald Ducks middle name? I...don't know.
8. Favorite color? PINK!
9. Summer footwear: sandals or nothing? Sandals
10. Apples, oranges, or bananas? Bananas!
11. Lefty or righty? Righty
12. Glass is half-empty or half-full? Half-empty
13. Bleh or blah? bleh
14. What do you like about yourself? i'm weird!!
15. Would you ever wear Taz boxers? nah
16. Do you sing in the shower? rarely
17. Do you talk to your pet? yup!
18. Do you talk to yourself? in my head ;D
19. Do you have a secret crush on your dentist? do I even have one?
20. Do you know your mailman/woman's name? nope. never met him.
21. Do you give your mailman/woman a gift on Xmas? nope. =(
22. Do you have 11 toes? yyynnnoo
23. What is the lamest pick up line you've ever used? lol, i don't use pick up lines =P
24. Would you ever buy/use a pink pen? hell yeah!!
25. Would you ever buy ANYTHING pink? pshhhh YEAH!!
26. Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny? Oh mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind..!!
27. Do you think Daffy Duck is hot? he's cute.
28. Would you ever recite poetry to a girl? uh..not really...lol. no
29. What color nail polish/lipstick would you wear? light pink.
30. Do you bite your lip when you're nervous? yeah, that, and i bite my nails.
31. Would you skip school if you had a huge zit between your eyes on picture day? i dont get zits =P
32. Do tight jeans make guys look gay? sad..but yes.
33. How do you take mascara off? i use a wash cloth and a q-tip.
34. Would a girl wearing blue/green mascara turn you on? heck no!!
35. Do you know HOW to figure out bra size? lol, not at that stage yet, so nuh.
36. Would you ever wear lip gloss? I do...
37. What's better: gummi sweettarts or sweettart gum? Gummy sweet tarts
38. M&MS or Skittles? M&M's baby!!
39. Do you go to public places with your mom, and actually TALK to her? ahem, i am NOT embarrassed of my mom. I lub her!! ^_^
40. What is 1+1? 2...?
41. What is your favorite holiday? Valentine's Day..so romantic <3333
42. Pick one: RuPaul or Dennis Rodman: neither
43. How old are you? 12
44. How old do you WANT to be? 25!! ^_^
45. Where do you want to live? Hawaii baby!!
46. Where do you want to go? to the Philippines!!
47. Who do you want to meet? ASHANTI!! lol.
48. Do you like Kool-Aid? no...
49. Does pine-sol smell good? did ya know you can get high on that??
50. What are your favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni and cheese.
51. Do you like toast? yeah huh!
52. Do you still carve pumpkins? nope. lol.
53. Do you still leave cookies & milk out for Santa? I don't believe in Santa!
54. Have you lost all your (baby) teeth? i think so...
55. Have your wisdom teeth seen light yet? nope, lol.
56. Clear or colored? clear. simplicity is beautiful.
57. When your dentist asked, what flavor fluoride did you pick? bubblegum =D
58. Where is your hand right NOW? the mouse, lol.
59. What is better: your right ear or left pinky? lerft pinky XD
60. Okay or O'tay? okay. hehehe.
61. French poodle or french kiss? err...french kiss. poodles are oogly
62. Are 2 x 4s really 2 inches by 4 inches? i don't know...=D
64. Do you have a 2 x 4 or a 1 x 2? in what?
65. Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages? yeah!
66. Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages? um..yeah!! of course! how could i forget when she's always reminding me..
67. Does your grandma tell you she is 29? lol, nooo..
68. Have you ever used colored white-out? nope.
69. What do you think of Smurfette? i don't know..
70. What is your favorite book? I don't have a favourite BOOK. I have favourite BOOKS!
71. How does a cabin far, far away, with a fire, candles, and the one you love sound? sounds like um...good?? lol.
72. Salmon or Cod? err...salmon
73. Crab or Lobster? Crabbby!!
74. What sounds better: up or down? down
75. What sounds better: sideways or sidewards? sidewards..oohhh YEAH!
76. Ok, NOW where is your hand? the keyboard =)
77. Describe the best day of your life. err...when my mom and dad said that i could get a dog!!
78. Broom or mop? mop!! nice and wet. and it slides when you mop!
79. What is your favorite word? oink!!
80. Free! Don't have to answer this since there is no question. thank god.
81. What is your full name? Mary Kate Ashley ________.....my mum loves the olsen twins..
82. What do you wish your name was? Candice!! or maybe Marilyn...
83. Describe your kinkiest fantasy. i'll pass...
84. What is the weirdest middle name you've ever heard? i don't think i've heard the weirdest middle name..
85. Are your feet the same size? i'm pretty sure they are...no wait! one's 4 and the other is 4 1/2
86. Cassettes or CDs? cds all the way baby!
87. Is watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" a tradition in your home? uh..no.
88. What are your Christmas traditions? opening pressies on x-mas eve!
89. How do you open your envelopes: tear or cut? tear it apart like a wild woman!
90. 10 more to go, are you bored? 10? ya right.
91. Do you like onions? bleh. i hate onions!!
92. What would you name your band, if you had one? bubbahum, hahahah
93. Have you ever worn a dress? yup!
94. Did you know that if you talk into a vent, someone in a nearby room will hear you? i knew that when i was 5!..lol, it's fun too!
95. Frogs or toads? frogs. don't toads give you warts??
96. Do you believe in making a wish at 11:11? nope
97. 8 or 3? 3..it's closest to 4.
98. How long can you hula-hoop for? more than 10 minutes XD
99. Did you know Dave is AWESOME? who's dave? =D
100. You made it. Do you love me now? I didn't make it!! 100 more to gooooo..i hate you. =P
101. Did you ever eat crayons when you were little? lol, no..i ate play doh!!
102. On your last birthday, what did you wish for? to be rich.
103. Do you know all the words to the National Anthem? yep..to the canadian anthem that is..
104. Is watching the Superbowl a party in your house? nuh uh. nooo way.
105. Are you going to name your son Elvis? heck naw.
106. If not, what? Jake!!
107. What about your daughter? i had this..um...Janice. lol.
108. Describe your most embarrassing moment. ahem. i don't know. erm.
109. Do you read tabloids? sometimes...
110. Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played? never.
111. Do you like cotton candy? yeah!! i just hate the part when i get all sticky..
112. Do you suffer from cramps? yup.
113. Do you have that not-so-fresh feeling? i have that often..
114. Favorite food? Chocolate..and..sweet stuff...
115. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? buy 102 dalmations. then name them all Oddball. XD
116. Ribbed or plain? err...come again?? lol. plain..
117. "Lala" or "Skittle de bop du wop"? Skittle de bop du wop
118. Apple pie or cherry pie? apple pie. yummmm..
119. Pepsi or Coke? coke. pepsi is too..pepsi.
120. Strawberry or Vanilla? Vanilla
121. Favorite movie? Queen of the Damned!
122. Favorite Actor? Jet li..mmmmm
123. Favorite Actress? Aaliyah? or maybe Nicole Kidman...
124. Cheerios or corn flakes? Cheerios!
125. Panty hose or thigh-highs? panty hose heheheh.
126. Do you shave your legs? sometimes....if i'm not rushing.
127. Midnight or mid-day? Midnight. that's when i come out to eat.
128. Hope or Billy? hope..?
129. Cottonball or Q-tip? q-tip. they're cute. don't ask why. they just are.
130. Dry or lubricated? i'll pass again.
131. Fast or slow? fast!! hehehe.
132. Hard or soft? Soft ..nice and comfy.
133. Yogurt or ice-cream? ice cream..
134. Spoon or fork? spoon.
135. Are you crying right now? not at the moment..
136. Fling or flick? flick. hehehe. flick.
137. Look at your middle finger, on your right hand, what do you see? my middle finger?
138. Look to your left, what do you see? my closet
139. Look to your right, what do you see? my bed/window.
140. Who is at your house right now? mom and sister.
141. Are your legs crossed right now? nuh uh.
142. Do a few twirls, are you dizzy now? mm..yeah
143. Favorite song? Kelly Rowland - Stole
144. Boxers or briefs? boxers i guess...no..underwear!!
145. Tootsie pops or blowpops? blow pops, yum. bubblegum!
146. Big Red, Juicy Fruit, or Doublemint? Juicy fruit!
147. Do you like to fish? yea! fun fun fun !!
148. Is your grandpa cool? both my grandpas...passed away..my mom's dad was the coolest. i've never met my dad's dad.
149. Does your grandpa bore you with long stories? both of them neither really talked to me..
150. Do you snore? sometimes =D
151. Describe how your breath smells right now. smells like chocolate. mmm mars bar.
152. If you were a girl, would you rather be "Matilda" or "Alexis." err...i'm a girl..
153. Does it taste good? does what taste good? if you're talking about my breath..it tastes like a mars bar! ^_^
154. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? lick em
155. Do you chew on pens/pencils? nope
156. What is your favorite comic (like in the paper!) err...the peanut gallery XD
157. Acting class or class act? Acting class
158. Upside-down or downside-up? downside-up!
159. What's up? the ceiling
160. What does "GROWL TIGER" make you think of? growl tiger growl!!
161. What does this -> .dm,'fglkserhngjkqb; make you think of? an annoying person?
162. Blondes or brunettes? brunettes
163. Push or pull? pull
164. If a door says pull, do you automatically push? lol, yeah..
165. Do you even read those door things? nope
166. Do spiders scare you? heck ya!!! I have arachnaphobia!!
167. What does? spiders...
168. Did you know I was scared of FROGS when I was a baby? hmm..no, but i know now!
169. What was your first word? uh..*shrugs*
170. What was your first phrase? see previous answer.
171. What can you not pronounce? dunno.
172. Did you know my phone just rang? nope.
173. Is your phone ringing? nup
174. What's your phone number? err...i'll pass again!!
175. Do you eat your toe-nails? no, i feed them to my sister.
176. Are you in drag right now? *sigh* i'm afraid so.
177. WalMart or Kmart? wal-mart
178. Jim Carrey or Mariah Carey? mariah carey..
179. How many REAL push-ups can you do? 10, hehe
180. How many fake push-ups can you do? more than a billion.
181. Go run a mile. You have ten minutes. Are you tired now? ooo yea baby. tired as hell.
182. Does your bike have 2 wheels? yes yes it does.
183. Are they flat? a lil bit
184. Can you do a hand-stand? nuppers
185. Front or back? front
186. Walk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it? 9:17 pm
187. Are you on fire right now? not at the moment. hahahha.
188. If I give you a piece of paper, what are the odds of you not eating it? you have a 1/50 chance of me NOT eating it
189. Sprite or 7-up? 7=up..wait..what's the difference anyways?
190. Mug RootBeer or Dr. Pepper? rootbeer..
191. Bambi or Thumper? thumper!!
192. Do you think Flower is hot? if you're mean A flower..then they're ok. not hot. but ok.
193. If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you? it depends how high =D
194. Would you lick Prince's feet for $5? ya gotta be kidding me...RAISE IT! =D
195. Do you know there are people who would do that for free? cool
196. Umm. can you count how many questions are left? 3??
197. Is your left pinky right-handed? err...yea? i unno. ask it.
198. 5+7+8-1234569%555x3=? do you know the answer??
199. If you had 5 dollars, went to the store to buy 1 apple for 50 cents, but they were out, how many apples would you have? let's see...
200. Do you know how many calories you burn when you do the wild thing? lots??

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