Wednesday, November 27, 2002

OMG, today was kinda sad and funny....the funny part was when a teacher found PORN in a student's notebook who will remain anonymous at this point, lol. "Is there a **** ******* here?" "HE'S RIGHT HERE!" "Hmmm...*flips through notebok* are you studying Geography? Language Arts, or Math? Maybe you're learning CURVES in math...Are these girls catholic? This better not be a family photo album..." So yea...he said that in front of ALL the grade 8's, 7's and 6's. It was REALLY embarrassing for him, and he was crying I think. I feel kinda sorry for him...but then again, he shouldn't have stuck naked women in his notebook! Mr. Leroux could've spoke to him privately, but **** did deserve it. Oh yeah....the Mr. Leroux didn't exactly find friend Arielle found it, and she gave it to him. I was with her, and he was flipping through it. I saw a glimpse of this girl wearing black..and we started screaming and laughing and was kinda freaky...I got 83% on my History quiz, so I'm pretty happy.

I was working on my new layout a few minutes ago, and BLOODY HELL, it's soooo frickin annoying!! PSP keeps on causing errors, and I didn't save it, so I have to start ALL OVER AGAIN!! *RAWR*!! <<<<---That's my word, lol. And I am now officially in love with Rupert Grint (AKA Ron Weasly in Harry Potter) he is sooooooooooooo cuutee!! AHHH!! *rawr*

07:11 PM EST [Link][5 jumped]

Friday, November 22, 2002

Wheee!! Nicole and I went to the movies last night to watch Harry Potter TWO!! It was awesome!! OMG, Ron is officially my new favourite Harry Potter character! He is just sooooo cute!! Lol. In case you don't know, Colleen is Samantha, haha. And she's in loooove with Daniel Radcliffe. Or Harry Potter. Bleh. I loooooove Ron, and the guy who plays Ron in the movie! He's cuuuuuute!! lol. Anywho, before we watched the movie, Nicole and I went to the photo booth thingy where they sketch a portrait. It was only $3.00, so why not? Lol. I scanned the picture and it looks cool! Go see it in the pictures section!!

Today, we have a P.A. day. In case you don't know THAT, make a long story short, it's when teachers go to school but the students don't. HA! So yea...Anyways, before we saw the movie, we played in the arcade, and I am officially a better driver than Nicole! heeheee!! Lol. We played air hockey, and I won all games, hehehehe. When we went into the theatre, we found our seats, and then went back out to get our popcorn and shtuff. When we were passing through the theatre, a JLo commercial was playing. And..OMG!! ROTFL!! Nikki was ahead of me, and she overheard this woman talking to her 8 y/o son, and she said, "Everyone thinks JLo is all that, well you know what I think? I think she's just a waste of implants!" And Nicole was laughing her head off, haha. I asked her what's so funny and she told me so we were both laughing in tears. Then we saw the woman, and Nikki was like: "She shouldn't be talking..." and it was soooo funny!!! LOL.

Anyways, we ordered frozen yoghurt and water. We didn't know the yoghurt would be so friggin' HUMUNGOUS!! Like was HUGE!! Lol. I ate only like...2/3 of it though, hee! So anyways, the movie was really cool! It was funny/scary/interesting/AWESOME!! lol. The Bassilisk didn't really turn out to be that scary. I liked the part with the spiders when Ron was like,"Harry, can we panic now?" and his face was sooo funny!! Ron is so cute!! lol. AHH!! Heehee. Well, I fixed up A LOT of stuff on my site. Like the email forms, and polls. And other stuff. THE TAGBOARD IS FIXED! Yay! Whoever did it...THANK YOU!! hehehe. Well, I gotta go work on these projects. Rawr!

11:51 AM EST [Link][1 jumped]

Thursday, November 21, 2002

ARGH! I have a cold today. WE'RE GONNA WATCH HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS!! OMGOMGOMG!! AHHH!! lol. Nicole and I are going, so it's gonna be fun fun fun!! I added TONS of pictures in the me, pictures section! Yesterday was our history quiz and I don't know if I did well or not...I think I did ok....not too bad, lol. At least I studied!! Today we have our French TEST! Ahhh!! It's really big too, so..I studied!! lol. Mom and CJ are getting ready. (In case you don't know..CJ is my sister!) Umm....Today is gonna be fun. Today is pizza day! And Today is the last day (of the week) of school!! Tomorrow is a P.A. day that's why, lol. Don't ask me what it stands for..I just know that cause it's when we take a break off school! HAH! Hehehe...That's my new word....HAH!! =P Well, better get ready, I have to pick up Nikki to go to school...

08:21 AM EST [Link][1 jumped]

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Mercantilism: an economic theory that called for a country to accumulate wealth in gold and silver. (it led to colonozation)

Colonization: settling and controlling new lands (establishing colonies for trade).

Missionary: bringing one's religious teachings to others who do not share them.

Monopoly: a right granted for one group or person to control buying or selling (ie: Jacques Cartier - 1534).

Market: a place for trading, buying, and selling of goods.

Manufacture:to make raw materials into finished goods.

Hehehe, I just had to put that up so I could study and work on my site at the same time. *Stretches* Today, I brought my camera to school and took pictures of my friends, hehe. In the morning, I took some pictures of my hamsters too. I'll post here when I develop them, and put them all up so you could see em, hehhe. So, we had a supply teacher, and OMG!@! He was the best!! HAhahaha!! We got all our work done practically, and he showed us all these tricks. He threw like... 5 coins in the air and caught them all!! It was really cool. And he taught us other stuff too. So yea. And gym was fun, hehhee. We played dodgeball, and there was this game when Katie was the only one left on her team. I did this really gay throw, and she tried catching it, but it slipped through, so yeah! My team won!! Hehehe. Woohoo!! And I'd like to thank Jessika for lending me her gym clothes =)

Anywho, I have a history quiz tomorrow, it's out of 30 and it's pretty much on European Explorers ....Colleen and I are studying on the phone...I also have a French test on Thursday, so I have to study for that..well, better be going! Keep those comments comin'! lol.

05:29 PM EST [Link][1 jumped]

Monday, November 18, 2002

OMG!! FIVE comments!! lol. That's a record =P Hehehheee......I feel a bit hyper today. My mom got me bagels and cream cheese!! woohoo1!! Now I don't have to swipe them off Nicole, hehehe. Soooo....for alll the commenters...I'd like to plug: Katie, Sindhu, Jenn, Jin, and last but definately NOT least....SHAMI!!! lol. I'm really happy she commented, hehe.. TWICE! =P Hehehe. THANKS SHAMI!!

Anywho, we had a HUGE snowfall yesterday!! It was packing snow so...there were 4564546854654745 forts in progress at our school, and 3541231 snowmen!! lol. Of course, I AM over exaggerating, but like...holy crap man!! Lol. We went over to Greg's snowfort, and it was all dirty and it looked like poo!! HAHA! But it WAS better than the other's snowfort, lol. (There was a contest..I don't know. I think). Then they kept on shooing us away cause we were annoying. Hehe. Jacquelyne and I pretended we were lesbians together HAHAHA! People actually believed us, hahahahha. But of course, that's us. We went hyper the whole time!!

Jacquelyne got this Kindersurprise toy, it was a crab, hahaha!! We didn't like him that much, so we put him on top of the snow on the boys' snowfort, heehee. Then Nick and Joey came up to us like 5 minutes later and gave it to us, but then we said we didn't want it so he gave it to this kid. Then we missed Mr. Krabs 15 minutes later, hahha. We went up to Nick and blamed him cause we thought he lost it. Then he said he gave it to the boy so we followed him to the guy and got Mr. Krabs back!! Yay!! =D So yea...we basically went hyper all recess. hehe. And Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) wants to marry "Colleen", so yeah!! hehehe. *Sarcastic* Anywho, thanks for the COMMENTS!! Keep 'em coming ;D

06:24 PM EST [Link][Jump in?]

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Woohoo, here's the NEW LAYOUT!! Please comment on it...I think I'll be adding some things to it. Jin has to fix my taggie board =(. Go sign the guestbook please!! lol. I have two just in case ^_^

I'm at Nicole's house right now, we had a sleepover, lol. We finished watching "Sliding Doors" and it was pretty cool! Nikki and her family are going to a christening, and my dad is going to pick me up in like 5 minutes to go home, so I better keep this short and go!! Ttyl!!

01:05 PM EST [Link][6 jumped]

Friday, November 15, 2002

Too many updates on life. Conor and Jess got back together (wheeeeee!)...Nick and I are friends again, but I think he still likes me. I'm going to art class today, so hopefully I'll get it done as well! I'll try and add more tutorials. I have to get my tagboard fixed cause it's really screwed. Good thing I don't have a lot of homework. Lol. I just have to correct my spelling test and study for a French test. (Wheeeee!) I got in a fight with Joey D last night. It was funny.

He called me gay and's the'll be a little hard to read, sorry...i'm get better tita sue, and joey is lilwhop, lol. here ya go...

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

y did u block me

get better tita sue says:


~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

i am so p at u

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

u bitch

get better tita sue says:

well, back at you

get better tita sue says:


~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

u lez

get better tita sue says:

ooo, i'm so scared

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

u shouldm be

get better tita sue says:

yea, well, there's one thing called SARCASM

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

ya ash your face is pretty that is sarcasm

get better tita sue says:

yeah thanks

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

not im not ur friend anymore

get better tita sue says:

who said you ever were?

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

what fu

get better tita sue says:

go screw yourself

get better tita sue says:

it'll make you feel better

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

u r so retarted

get better tita sue says:

yeah, well, then don't make fun of retarded people

get better tita sue says:

it's just who they are =)

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

screw yo

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:


get better tita sue says:

no thanks

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:


~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:


~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:


get better tita sue says:

use proper english

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:


~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:


~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:


get better tita sue says:

yadi yadi yadi

get better tita sue says:

blah blah blah

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

is your face

get better tita sue says:

you know, you talk a lot of garbage for someone who doesn't say anything

get better tita sue says:

wow. i'm impressed

~!@#LiLwHoP#@!~ says : says:

i dont talk about your face

get better tita sue says:

you just did..

To top it all off, here's a quiz I took to brighten up my entry! lol. YAY! Vin is my Triple X lover! *mwuah*

Who's your xXx lover?
Who's your xXx lover? Darling Mine

04:52 PM EST [Link][1 jumped]


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