
Everyone has dreams, I have MANY! I haven't seen this on ANYBODY's page, so I guess this is my idea! lol. If you want to use it, you can as long as you LINK ME!! =) Anyways, this page is just here to show you my dreams in life...like my dream car, dream house..etc....

Dream Car
Ahhh! I have my dream car--a yellow lamborghini. They are just so fast..and amazing!! I love everything fast! And yellow is like sooo neato! The lamborghini's look shexy, hehe. It would be so cool if you saw me driving one. But, of course, I'm just 12 and I don't have my license. Hehe. I could just imagine myself, riding along the highway in my yellow lamborghini. EEEKK! But it's just a dream, hehe.

Dream House
I have always wanted a HUGE mansion/house. With a pool, a balcony, huge driveway, and just huge everything! I want it to be sooo big that anyone can get lost in it! Hehhe. My dream house will be so elegant, that when the public see it, they'll say,"Wow, I wish I could live in that house!" I could just see myself, moving in this brilliant house, and just relaxing in my pretend livingroom, sipping hot chocolate....Mmmmm...

Dream Room
My room is just too plain! I want my dream room to have a built-in washroom, covered in flowers, and just sooo beautiful! The bed HAS to be so comfortable--fit for a princess. A huge walk-in closet, where I can put all my Le-Chateau clothes in, hehe.

Dream Family
I want my dream family to be fun! My future husband will treat me well...just like a queen, hahaha. He will spoil me, and give me all the love he has. He will support the family. He will be a doctor...and he will be an AWESOME cook, just like me. I will have 3 children. Two girls, and one boy. Their names will be Dalila (oldest), Jelita (middle), and Jake (youngest). Dalila will be intelligent, she will be very creative, and artistic. She will grow up to be a successful journalist..just like her mother. Hehe. Jelita is the middle child, and she is the family clown. She has all the jokes, riddles, and funny acts. Her best subject in school will be math, and she will become a female comedian! Jake is the nerd in school, and in the family. But he is the most loved. He's the cute one, and he gets all the attention. Then we have a dog named Brooke, and she's a pomeranian...

Dream Guy
Uh...he's sweet, kind, and rich, lol. He treats me like me. His name will be...Shawn!! Hehehe. I love that name. Anyways, he respects me for who I am, and not for my looks. We will meet at a cafe...and he will turn out to be the most annoyingest person in the world! But then I fall in love with him, marry him and have a family. Then end...hehehe.

Dream Appearance
I've always wanted to have these dream looks and stuff...anyways..I'll have medium-length dark brown hair (wavy). I wear glasses, but I look STUNNING in them. I have really pretty dark brown eyes in which the world falls in love with...umm...and much much more! lol. Oh, and I have this really cool purple suit which I always wear to work, and it's really neat! ^_^

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