
I have two hamsters, Oreo, and Brownie and my puppy, Vidulls! This page is dedicated to them, since they're sooo cute! Hehe. You'll find lots of info on this page about my little friends!

He's black and white, and he is the most gentle with children. Oreo has only bitten me once...when he was sooo frightened. Oreo is MY hamster. My sister hogs him all the time, and plays really rough with him. Oreo is the most smallest hamster I have ever seen! He still looks like a baby! He sleeps all day and is quiet. But when he's awake...Oh You're in for it ;) He's a troublemaker, mind you! He has attempted to run away many times, but fortunately his attempts were unsuccessful, lol. Oh yeah...and I think that he might die soon because he has wet tail which is a hamster disease =( Look below for lotsa pictures of Oreo!

Sushi is the vicious but a chubby/fat one! Lol. She IS adorable, and she's cute, but I hate avoiding her because I want to hold her and all...but she bites a lot. A WHOLE LOT! When you just touch her, she jumps and tries to bite you. Sometimes she's in a good mood and won't do anything, but yeah. Well, I don't know...maybe I'm overexaggerating cause I don't hold her a whole lot... maybe she's just turning around to see who it is she's being touched by....Ah well. I love Sushi. Sushi is my sister's hamster, but my sister doesn't like holding her. Sushi is probably unfriendly because no body's really taming her or whatever. Currently, I'm trying to be as close to Sushi as I am with Oreo..but it's not really working. Anywho, here are a few pictures of Sushi...She died a few weeks ago so may Sushi rest in peace :'(

I don't have any pictures of Brownie, but I'll try to take some. Brownie is the most energetic out of all pets that I have, I think. Whenever you walk past his cage, he goes crazy! He like..climbs up to the roof of his cage, then falls down, then runs around his cage, and keeps on doing that until you leave!! Lol, he's kinda odd. He hates it when you pick him up under the arms, and he is very gentle. But not as gentle as Oreo, lol.

Awww, my lil puppy. He was my Christmas present, and I love him soooo much! He's just a lil puppy right now, and you can see him at the bottom. He's a pomeranian, and so he's REALLY fluffy. Sometimes Vidulls can be rough, but he just wants to play. Vidulls has soooooooo many toys!! Lol, he's very spoiled, and he's mommy's angel! He wakes me up early in the morning with his cry/whining/growling/barking, lol. He does NOT like to be left alone, hahah. So yeah...he's a one-owner dog, and guess who that person is? MY MOM!! >=( Lol, I wanted it to be meeee! *rawr* Oh well, he loves it when I take him outside ^^ the first pic is with him and my sis, the second is with me and him.

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