
Riddles. Answers are in italics. If you have some you want to suggest, email me! Some of these riddles are from Riddles.com.

You meet your mother's only sister's husband's sister in-law. What do you call her? You call her mom! lol =P

What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the rich needs it, the poor have it, if you eat this you die...What am I?

If a plane crashes between the border of the United States and Canada, where will the survivors be buried?
Survivors aren't buried. They survive.

Mary's parents have 4 kids. They are North, South, East, and West. What is the other child's name?

There was one girl in a room. She had 4 Mommy cats. She put each cat into a corner, there were 4 corners. Mommy cat 1 had 2 kittens. Mommy cat 2 had 3 kittens. Mommy cat 3 had 4 kittens. Mommy cat 4 had 5 kittens. How many feet were in the room?
There are 2 feet in the room. Cats/kittens have paws. The girl has feet.

A doctor and a nurse have a baby boy. But the boy's father is not the doctor and the mother is not the nurse. How can it be?
The doctor is the mother ( female doctor ) and the nurse is the father ( male nurse ).

How can you drink the water from the bottom of a cup of water first?
Use a straw. Deeerrr!

If it takes 5 days to dig a hole, how many days does it take to dig half a hole?
There is no such thing as half a hole!

A man who WAS NOT wearing a parachute jumped out of a plane. But the man landed on his feet. How did this happen?
The plane was on the ground. Hahha

If a farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 died, how many lived?
Nine lived. Der.

What can't the strongest man in the world hold for a quarter of an hour?
His breath! =D

A policeman is walking outside when he hears, "Please John, don't shoot!" Then a gun is fired. He runs into the house were it came from and sees a person on the floor dead, a gun on the floor, a lawyer, priest, and a mechanic. He automaticlly arrests the priest and is right. How did you know it was the priest without asking any questions?
The mechanic had a nametag and the lawyer was a woman.

A man walks into a hotel on Monday and stays two weeks, but he leaves on Friday. How is this possible?
Friday is the man's horse's name!

I have four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three at night. What Am I?
A human

A man walks into a bar. What does he say?

You're in a room with no doors or windows there is a table and a mirror, there is nothing behind the mirror and you don't have any equipment how do you get out?
You look in the mirror and see what you saw, take the saw and cut the table in half, 2 halves make a whole, crawl through the hole (whole) and you're out!

Two girls go down to the garden to clean their garden out. When done, only one has a clean face and the other has a dirty. The one with the dirty face doesn't clean her face and the one with the clean one does. Why is this?
The one with the clean face thinks her face is dirty, and the one with the dirty face thinks her face is clean.

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