Silk Effect

I'd like to thank Jenny for inspiring me to write this tutorial =)

Isn't the silk effect so pretty?? Wanna learn how to do it? Yeah! So follow the steps!

  • Open up a new, white, any-sized canvas.
  • Click on the (brush tool), and set the settings like mine below:
  • Now, go over to your blank image, and in BLACK paint small or big blotches all around it. Leave some white spots too!
  • The image may look really messy, but don't worry, it'll turn out to be wonderful in the end!
  • Then, go to your hand tool () and set the settings like mine:
  • Go back to your image, and start smudging!
  • Drag your mouse left to right, diagnally, etc...until you have the effect you want!
  • To colorize your "silk" go see my Tinting tutorial!

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