Wind Effect

I thought this effect was pretty cool, I used it for some images I made in the past. Now you can learn! The finish product will look like this:

  • isn't it pretty? yes yes it is.
  • First, open up an image, I'm using the one above of Aaliyah.
  • On the menu, go to Effects>>Geometric Effects>>Wind...
  • You can choose any number for the strength, and decide whether you want the wind facing left or right.
  • Now, 15 would look the best, but feel free to choose ANY number.
  • If you chose a number that didn't look so's what you do...
  • Press CTRL C
  • Then press CTRL Z
  • Now press CTRL L
  • Then, go to Layers>>Properties on the menu and change the opacity to whatever you want (I recommend 60-70)
  • Easy? Of course!!

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