Remembrances Part V: An Easy Plan


Remembrances Part V: An Easy Plan

[Narr Shad'aa, Nal-Hutta Sector Space, Y'Toub System]

A brief flash of light was all that announced the arrival of a small battered Z-95 starfighter, as it emerged from hyperspace. It carried crew of one twi'lek and one droid. The latter beeped in pitched tones of concern as the ship approached the crowded near-space of the bustling world-city.

Vedra-Aayla, the twi'lek within replied, "Yes, R1. That's our destination. Narr Shad'aa, the smuggler's moon. Where anything and anyone is for sale. It may every well hold the information I seek."

The blue tinged sun filled the cockpit with surreal purplish hue and made some instrumentation hard to read. She squinted and flipped a small switch on top of the flight console. The glass portions of the canopy quickly polarized and restored the displays to readable status. Yet, the effect was incomplete and the light-shield flickered substantially rendered a migraine inducing strobe effect. With deep sigh, Vedra-Aayla shut it off again and mumbled something unsavoury. The ship was at best a passable fighter, and at worst an upgraded coffin in space; few systems seemed to work as intended. Luckily, the hyperspace drive and navigation system were among them.

The astromech droid, R1-A8, beeped a short query. "No, R1 We don't have a landing permit, but on a world such as this, we won't need one - credits will do. There are a few rogue landing platforms I know."

Her response to the droid was confident, but inside the twi'lek was deeply worried. It had been a long time since she last visited this world. A long time indeed. The world she remembered was violent, and corrupt (to be kind), a gang-infested metropolis, lorded over by the nefarious Hutts. Despite the inherent dangers of such a place - some thought it would be the ideal place for someone could hide, or to be hidden. Vedra's parents were among those, and for two standard years this world was home.

As the ship broke through the atmosphere it descended on the city below, a forest of lights, tall re-fueling spires and a teeming controlled-chaos of multitudes of air vehicles. Vedra opened the ships data com-link panel and entered a series of codes into the interface. "By the Force, I hope this works," she mumbled, half as much a gulp as a prayer. Nar Shad'aa was the last place you wanted to find wrong landing spot. It could cost you a lot of credits, even your life, or worse.

A voice came over the com-link, speaking droid accented Ryl. Vedra pressed a reply button and quickly spoke two words, "Tor Aba'lak." No reply came. She knew that was expected and veered the ship towards the edge of the industrial sector, away from the gleaming towers of incandescent hue. The traffic was still thick here but less controlled. She spoke to the droid, "Prepare for landing R1. This is the place .. I think."

Thick billows of smoke arose from the various exhaust vents around the area which rendered visibility to less than ideal conditions. The twi'lek carefully manouevered the craft though the maze of structures and quickly saw her destination- a shelf-like platform on the side or a rough boxy building. It was small for a landing spot, covered in incidental debris and dirt. It had obviously not been used in a long time. After a few crunches and groans of complaint from the platform, the ship settled to a rest with small spurts of steam escaping from its exhaust ports.

Vedra jumped from the ship to the platform. "Stay here R1 watch the ship. The place I am going is not far from here. I'll be back shortly." She reached in and withdrew her weapons from the fighter's cockpit and closed the canopy. Her electric pole-arm was slung over her shoulder and her blaster secured into its holster.

The droid let out a concerned beep. "Don't worry, it is a dangerous place; but I used to live here -- there is nothing to it. It will be easy." Vedra patted the side of the ship reassuringly. She knocked a few pieces of refuse away from the ships landing gears and walked toward the only door on the platform; a rusty muck-covered affair. From her pouch she drew a well worm cloth and wiped the grime covered electronic panel near the door. She paused for moment, to search her memory, and then proceeded to enter a code. She repeated the sequence three times. With a an eerie wail that could only be generated by the grinding of a well rusted metal surfaced the door opened vertically half-way up. Vedra sighed and, after testing the doors integrity with a few well placed tugs, ducked underneath the door entered the dim corridors.

She followed the maze of dusty, semi-lit corridors and down several staircases. Her Twi'lek eyes were used to the dusk like ambience. It was surprising there were any functioning lights at all. The halls smelled musty had a strong chemical tang. The walls were covered with half visible navigational signs and long-ago vandalized advertisements, which boasted the latest fertility supplements, and the occasional gang territorial scribbles.

After a short walk, Vedra emerged from the abandoned complex into a small side alley dog-leg in an obvious warehouse district. There were few people about - mostly workers walking back and forth from their shifts, and a few less than law-abiding types, who were probably using one of the many rogue platforms in the area as well. No-one seemed to notice her; in all likelihood to avoid being noticed themselves.

Outside the relative calm and subdued chatter of the warehouse district, the bright bustle of the streets of Nar Shad'aa, was enough to make Vedra squint. Glaring billboards, zipping repulsor-cars and sleds mixed with a cacophony of shouts, jeers, and hawking vendors. There were creatures from thousands of assorted worlds, many of which Vedra did not recognize. They were dressed in all various manner of clothing from the fine to the gaudy.

Vedra's memories came flooding back, she instantly and easily identified the slicers, grifters, prostitutes, the lazy ne'er do-wells and even the so-called security establishment agents and spies by their bearing. On a world known for its astonishing lack of moral framework, more than a few hungry eyes turned to scope her lithe frame out. It was obvious to anyone she knew how to fight and no-one bothered her. Appearing strong was half the battle here. She took little notice of the stares, and walked confidently through the crowds and crossed the large plazas, one after another, heading to a place she knew well.

After a walk of only perhaps half an hour, Vedra paused near the far edge of a smaller medium sized plaza. The crowds had thinned here considerably and interfered with the force less. A faint sense of cold overcame her, the same feeling she had on Tatooine, only stronger - a sense of real danger. She scanned the area around her. Nothing discernable readily seemed to be a threat. The area contained only a few dozen people in a bright, half-open market square going about their daily lives. Despite this, Vedra knew that on Nar Shad'aa you did not take chances. "Time for a scenic shortcut," she muttered.

Vedra increased her pace to brisk walk and then without warning dipped behind a fetid dumpster into a series of dank alleyways. She zipped though the small maze of rubble, refuse and the occasional unconscious drunk and emerged into what seemed a long narrow corridor that seemed to go on forever with two sheer walls of plasteel towering left and right. She instantly recognized the spot. She performed small rhythmic taps on a clean, flat section of the wall. A barely audible clank could be heard. She turned around and walked a little ways into the alley to one of the small containers from a nearby wall. She shifted the light, battered storage container just a faction and bent down and crawled into the small opening behind it. From inside the wall another tiny clank sounded and the small porticule closed and the container shifted back to its original position.

It took a few moments for the twi'lek's eye to adjust to the nearly complete darkness of the tunnels. She scampered though them with an uncanny familiarity. Only a few times did she have to pause and think. Her path took her downwards, through abandoned ventilation tubes and repulsor-elevator shafts. She grunted at the sometimes cramped paths. "I used to complain about the tight fit, now I am a tight fit." She chuckled at her own sad humour." For a moment she seemed lost, and listened to some distant voices and snapped her fingers. "Aha, that's where I am. Right on target." She opened a small grate in front of her and jumped down into the a small storage room. It held a small assortment of tools and supplies. She could see the light under the door. She opened the door a tiny crack and looked into the corridor. The bright purplish hue of Y'Soub's sun had been replaced by the sickening orangish hue of the artificial lights of the undercity.

The hallway was clear and Vedra emerged from the shadows. The corridors were almost empty, its aging walls were showing exposed tubes and circuits; some occasionally sparking. Yet despite its hap-dash appearance the undercity was clean - people lived and worked here. Only a few denizens were visible walking along or chatting in small groups. The occasional droid rolled or shuffled by. A few passers-by gave her strange looks and scampered off. Vedra gasped in horror and slapped her forehead, "I've forgotten. I am such woolly bantha-head." She reached into one of her belt pouches and retrieved an earring. It was small functional piece with a bright crimson crystal dangling on a silver chain. She put it on her left ear. "Gang-colours", she sighed, "the Crimson Dragons will not let me by without it."

To emphasize the point, a pair of well armed and armoured Weequays rounded the corner in front of Vedra. Their faces displayed prominent bright red tattoos on each cheek and earrings identical to Vedra's. They each held impressive and obviously well used vibroblades on their right hips and both carried a crackling orange baton - the favoured Dragon fighting weapon. A small red scarf was also flapping from their trademark topknot hairstyles.

The elder Weequay swung his baton to point at Vedra. They weren't intimidated by the sight of a well armed twi'lek and approached. In a gruff voice the elder of the two Weequay addressed her in broken Basic, "You. Not know me. State bezness and pazzwerd." They stood directly in front of her - they noticed her pause.

Vedra held up both her palms and motioned the elder to lean forward and she whispered into his ear. His faced seemed to mix embarrassment and rage and as she drew back the younger Weequay seemed ready to pounce. The elder Weequay stared at the twi'lek a moment and looked into her eyes. He held his partner back and nodded to Vedra. With a quick jerk of his head he motioned for her to move on. Vedra kept herself calm but she was flushed with relief as the guards walked on; she didn't know if it would work - it did.

She took a chance and peered back over her shoulder to see the younger Weequay looking askance at his elder - who replied in their common tongue. The younger whirled to look at the departing twi'lek and muttered, "Insult." His elder grasped the young one's shoulder and shook his head and muttered, "No old code of us gang," and led him down around the corner out of sight explaining in hushed tones.

Vedra was not challenged again in her walk though the section of the winding undercity. She finally arrived at the end of a narrow corridor near a well used steel door. Adjacent to that door was a half wrecked/vandalized non-functioning protocol droid chassis. Its head was missing and a crudely cut sign was placed in its hands. The sign was simple, big bold letters proudly declared, "Hewtre's Droids." Underneath the main lettering, in hastily scrawled letters, someone had also added "and vehicle parts." She smiled.

She door lifted open with a well oiled swish as she approached it. The place was small and sparse, an empty counter lay to one side with door behind it and a main foyer was filled with dozens of droids and droid-chasses scattered around. Some banging and chirping was coming from the corner.

"Hello, Anyone selling personal hygiene droids?" Vedra said with half a chuckle. The noise in the corner stopped, and a short young green skinned female twi'lek, no more than dozen a years old, popped up. Her eyes were a bright blue, even in the dim light, and her yellow-striped lekku were a bright contrast to hey dirty grey coveralls.

"You're back!!!" she shrieked and jumped over the droids and parts right onto Vedra, and hugged her without restraint. "Vedra!, I missed you!" Vedra hugged her right back and stroked her lekku gently. " I missed you too 'Rat - let me get a look at you. You've grown so much." The younger twi'lek blushed.

The commotion in the shop was enough to bring out another figure from the back room. "Well it seems the prodigal daughter returns; don't I get a hug too." Now it was Vedra's chance to jump a hug. She leaped over the counter and put an old withered Ithorian into a gentle embrace. She could sense the vince of pain even that much physical contact gave him.

"You're hurt, " she said in concern. "Nonsense dear, I am an old herdman. I always hurt." He laughed at the bad pun and waved his stubby brown hand to nullify her concern, "Come on into the back we are almost ready for supper - Jawa-style soup." Vedra cringed and made a face, much to their confusion and followed them in.

They spent dinner chatting amicably. Retelling old stories and inside jokes with glee. Vedra also caught up the latest local news and gossip, not without gasps, chuckles and a few shakes of the lekku. The gossip turned to politics. Retaila recounted the latest news, "Devrat is still running the Dragons but he is old. He still sharp as a Krayt tooth. Yet some of these new swooper groups are challenging him more and more. It may get nasty. He keeps order and the older gangs respect him, as they do his son. I shouldn't come to a fight." Vedra nodded.

As their meal neared completion the old Ithorian spoke of his shop, "I've taken up more than droids now." He glanced towards the young green twi'lek." It seems Retaila, has a knack for speeders. I never knew where she picked that up." He winked at Vedra, who coughed. "So I've decided to make her my partner." Vedra looked questioningly at the young twi'lek, who blushed profusely and tried to look innocent. "Hey, I only fix them now, not steal them."

Vedra chuckled and pushed her plate back, well satisfied. She reached into a hip pocket and pulled out two small oil-cloth wrapped bundles. She handed one to each of them and looked on. Retaila opened hers first. She gasped. It was tiny crystalline bantha figurine on a necklace. Its sparkled with a deep blue shimmer. "Oh thank you, Vedra!" she said with a sob as she put it on, "it's so beautiful." She gave the blue twi'lek another warm hug. Vedra turned to Hewtre's who looked on happily and put a bundle into his vest pocket. "I'll open mine later. I think I know what it is." he said and winked at Vedra again, "Thank you." She smiled.

Hewtre's rose with a groan, "Well, it is my turn to do the dishes tonight. So I best get to it." Retaila stopped him. "No, It's my turn." She quickly gathered up the dishes before the Ithorian could protest, and was already in the kitchen in the blink of an eye. "I really hate it when she fawns and does slave like work for me," he grumbled.

Vedra sighed. She had heard this before, "She owes you a lot Hewtre, and so do I. You saved her and taught her much. Just as you helped me survive this world." He grumbled again, "Neither of you owe me anything. It is an Ithorian's duty to help." But Vedra knew that beneath the façade he loved them both. Vedra cleared her throat. "You know Hew.. I have enough money and a ship I could get you and 'Rat.." He cut her off. "No. I know you mean well. But we've discussed this before you left. This world is our home." She drooped her shoulders; she had expected that reply.

He looked at her and smiled with his tiny Ithorian mouth and spoke words of comfort. "Your future lies elsewhere - ours is here. You've always known that. " She nodded sadly. He hugged her. As he did so he also added, "It is good to see you again little one, but I sense this is not purely a social call. You seem sadder today."

The Ithorian sensed that what had brought Vedra here must have been both urgent and sad. He could read her well. He knew she hated this world, and that only something of great import would bring her here. With small tears gathering in her eyes, she looked at the Ithorian. "Mother and Father are dead. They were on Aldera'an."

Hewtre's took Vedra hands tightly and leaned back and closed his eyes and exhaled with a sharp hiss. For a minute he rocked back and forth making small noises. Vedra did not interrupt him - she new the Ithorian chant for the dead was sacred and usually seen only by herdmates. When he re-opened his eyes they both stood up and hugged for a minute. "Thank you, for honouring them." She whispered. The Ithorian shook his head, "No. Thank you for telling me. It was my duty and they honoured me with their friendship." He added with a small croak in his voice "I shall miss them more than ever." He glanced at her - there seemed to be more.

Vedra shook her head and looked about, she knew she could trust Hew. "I am a Jedi Hew. I have it in me." Hewtre's eyes went wide and he exclaimed quietly and kept hushed, "I knew It!!" and he mock-danced a little jig. He hugged her again. "Your father hinted as much. I know almost nothing of the Jedi myself. But somehow I always guessed - you were an uncanny child." Vedra blushed.

Vedra sat down and made a single crisp statement, "I can't stay long. I need to go to Felucia. The Force draws me there. The Council knows this."

The Ithorian leaned back and tapped his stubby fingers. "Felucia is a quarantined world. No-one is allowed there after the near total destruction of its ecology there during the fading days of the Clone Wars. The world is too valuable as a testing bio lab."

"Only a select few accredited scientists - ecologist and botanists are even allowed past the Imperial blockade," he added. After pausing to gather his thoughts he mused out loud, "I don't know why the force would draw you to such a toxic place. But, I know what you came for." He stood and motioned for Vedra to follow him. He led her to one of the many tool sheds in the shop's atrium. It was unlocked and full of broken parts. He rummaged through them until he found what he was looking for. He let out a satisfied grunt and gave her what a half-burnt droid motivator.

She grabbed hold of the item. As soon as it touched her skin it began to glow and then with quick pop it split open revealing a small holodisk. "So that's why I couldn't open it," Hewtre chuckled in surprise. "You father once told me that if anything was to happen to him. I was to give you this. To be honest, I had completely forgotten about it until you reminded me."

Vedra swivelled her look at the pile of parts and back the Ithorian. He laughed. "Well where do you think I was going to keep something valuable. In a safe?" She giggled and poked him. "You're still a sly one Hew."

Hewtre looked up at the ceiling to focus his thoughts, "Your father and I worked for the Senate's Science Directorate. At least until the Emperor dismantled it in favour of the Imperial Navy's own research groups years ago.Your father kept his contacts and his access codes. Maybe they will help you."

Vedra thanked him openly and gave him another heartfelt hug. "I now really owe you more than ever Hew." If Ithorians could blush, he would have been crimson red. He started to brush that one off too but decided not to.

"I need to go. Hew." He nodded. Vedra walked into the kitchen to say goodbye to Retaila. They walked back out after a few moments -- both in apparent tears. They stood at the shop door and all three exchanged hugs. Vedra waved and left the shop. She half wanted to stay; but with tear stains on her cheeks she walked on around the corner and silently climbed back up through the hidden tunnels to the upper city. Her destiny lay elsewhere and she knew it.


As the door to the shop closed. The remaining twi'lek and the ithorian exchanged a look. Retaila was openly sobbing and Hew bent over and comforted her, "Don't worry little one. We will see her again. Now go rest." She nodded and left to lie down in her room. The Ithorian locked the shop door and also went into his private chamber. As he sat at his desk he reached into his pocket and pulled out Vedra's gift.

He lovingly unwrappared a small brown box and sighed, "she remembered." He walked over to a small clear glass shelf and opened it. He removed the dark jar from within it an placed it on the desk. It was filled with dirt. Hewtre opened the gift box and pulled out the small pink glowing seed and smiled. He took the seed and gave it a kiss and buried in the soil. He replaced the potted seed back in the clear glass case and vacuum sealed it. Upon the Ithorian pressing a few buttons the shelf filled with yellow mist. Within a few minutes the soil in the pot parted and beautiful multihued flower arose glowing with every colour of the rainbow. He turned out the light and lay on his bed basking in its beauty.


The upper cityscape was now bathed in darkness. Few people were on the streets. Vedra stuck to the shadows and made good progress back to the her clandestine landing spot. She reached her platform and ship without incident. She opened the canopy and began to climb in when she heard the rusty door clang open on the landing pad. She forgot to lock it apparently. She jumped back down and turned to face the door, battle ready.

From the half-open door emerged a human small child, scruffy and dirty, an obvious urchin. He seemed bewildered but not scared. Vedra knew the type. He looked at Vedra and reached in his ragged tunic and put something in his hand. He tossed the object at her feet and in the space of breath vanished back into the warehouse.

Vedra looked about carefully, she sensed no-one around; but she suddenly was filled with fear; not her own, but someone else's. She could not understand the sensation for moment and then it dawned on her, "'Rat! something has happened to her." She picked up the object it was an old mini-holo viewer. She pressed the activation button.

There was no image only a voice - a voice she knew, "As your hear this, we will have the hammerhead and the girl. You have eluded my vengeance long enough, slave. We will kill him. The green one will make a fine sex slave. "

"Unless... " the voice continued, after a brief pause, "Well.. You know what I want."

The recording ended.

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