Remembrances Part VII: A Little bit of Destiny

[Narr Shad'aa, Nal-Hutta Sector Space, Y'Toub System]

Only a shrill beep preceded the swish and clang of the opening of the door to the guest room. Vedra-Aayla's eyes popped wide open. Without any hesitation she rolled off the bed and assumed a combat stance.

The servant droid came to quick stop and seemed at first puzzled, then apologetic. "I am sorry Mistress, I did not realize you are were still in a dormant state." It placed a the two stacks of freshly laundered clothing it had been carrying in two of its four arms. It placed them on a trunk at the foot of the bed. "Your clothes have been cleaned and that foul smell has been removed." For second Vedra was almost convinced the droid inanimate face and language seemed to crinkle with revulsion."It was a most unpleasant smell."

Vedra-Aayla suddently realized she wasn't clothed and blushed. She grabbed a bathrobe from the reclining chair onto which she had strewn it the previous evening and put it on. She went and sat at the foot of the bed and inspected her and Rat's clothes. She nodded to the droid in apparent satisfaction. The droid turned and exited the room.

As she started laying out her clothing she realized the Rat was no longer in the second bed and felt surge of panic. She found her leather utility and gun belts in the corner. They were full and intact except that her trusty blaster was missing, along with her polearm. She expected no less. She quickly dressed herself and dismissed the growl in her stomach and leaped towards the door. Vedra was not going to lose her friend again. Just a heartbeat away from the door she noticed it swish prematurely open.

"Sleepyhead is finally awake I see," Rataila intoned with a laugh. She was munching on a bit of cubed fruit; its juices running down the front of the bathrobe she wore. Rat plopped a tray filled with food into Vedra's hands, "here I got us some breakfast. Oh and if the cook runs near .. say we saw someone scamper by. " Rat was visibly smirking. Vedra sighed.

Vedra sat down and started devouring the food without much worry about what it was, or what it originally had been. She paused to sip a drink and turned to Rat as she was putting on her fresh clothes, "You had me worried for a minute... and I thought you were no longer going to get sticky fingers.. " Rat just grinned back defiantly, "Hey I just assumed they were going to feed us - and besides I was hungry." Vedra chuckled and nodded. Being back on Nar Shad'aa made her remember that life here wasn't always easy.

Rat came up and sat at the table. Vedra-Aayla hadn't realized in the short time they were together in Hewtre's how much bigger and leaner Rat had become. She motioned to Rat with her glass between chews for a refill, "Life hasn't been easy here for you has it." Rataila's lekku rippled with a definite negative as she poured Vedra some water.

"What exactly happened last night, Rat," Vedra asked. Rat swallowed her food and shook her head with her lekku bobbing to and fro. " I don't really remember much. Hew walked into his room and I turned to go back to fixing that half burnt out R6 I had been working on. A few minutes later the door to the store was just blasted open. I saw smoke was everywhere and I was out cold before I saw anything. Next thing I remember I was waking up in the warehouse floor

with that creepy guy standing over me and pointing a gun to my head.... " She paused to catch her breath.

Vedra-Aayla saw Rat pause and think and saw the sadness in her eyes, "Is it true.. Is Hew dead??" A pair of blue teary looking eyes looked askance at Vedra. "Without Hew I don't know what I will do now. He was a father to me." Her eyes were really beginning to glisten.

Vedra shuffled her chair over and comforted the young twi'lek and hugged her, "I am sorry Rat Devrat's men confirmed they found him dead in his room lying in bed." Rataila began to quietly weep. "They said that would investigate mystory and that they would let us know more today." Vedra took her gently by the chin, "and I am not going to hear any arguments from you. You're coming with me to Tatooine. You can stay with me, I have friends that can help us."

Rataila started to protest, but was cut short as a gold and scarlet protocol droid sauntered into the room. It boomed with an authoritative air, " The master will see you immediately." The droid turned around so crisply that if one blinked they would have missed it. It was clear he was not making a suggestion for an appointment.

Rat blew her nose loudly which prompted a tsk'ing sound from the droid as they followed him out of the room.

They turned left and followed the droid down the corridor away from the other guest rooms and the kitchens. They came to an lift door guarded by two visor-helmeted humanoid guards in red and gold battle armour. A grumbling purple skinned Mon Calamari emerged from out of the lift cabin as they approached. He was wearing a heavily stained and worn apron and had the definite smell of the kitchens around him. As he passed them Rat let out a very audible burp and giggle. His right eye swivelled in befuddlement towards Rataila as Vedra half-yanked her towards the lift doors. The young twi'lek was trying hard to repress a laugh as Vedra scooted her into the lift after the droid as a puzzled cook looked on.

The lift trip was a short one and the door swished open revealing a long corridor. A red rug lined the centre aisle and rich brocaded tapestries covered the walls. Intersped at short intervals were small podiums which proudly displayed various hunting and war trophies. As the twi'leks walked down the hall, following the droid they noted some of the prizes. Vedra peered at Rat who was visibly taken by some of the finer objects she saw. "Don't even think about it, " she

firmly reminded her in Lekku. A number of secure doors lined the hallway. Each door had glowing security panel and appeared quite formidably sealed. They passed a set of branching corridors left and right, yet the droid continued to move down toward the end of the richly decorated hallway. As they neared the end of the hall the air had faint reek of a burning smell and a scent of ozone, indicative of recent blaster fire.

At the end of the hall was massive green door. A second but obviously less bulky green door was located to the right. Each door had another pair of guards flanking it. Both pairs stood still as statues. Their armor was bright and glistening; their weapons were formidable looking but they also looked well maintained. They did not appear to react to the arrival of the droid and twi'leks. The right side door swished open. "This way," chirped the droid and it escorted them into a

bright sunny atrium. A pair of benches lined the walls and a variety of hanging and potted plants were scattered about. A small fountain bubbled water with a surprising beat that reminded Vedra of a childhood melody. The girls were motioned to sit and the droid walked away though another door at the far end of the atrium. A small table next to the nearby bench contained a large plate of brown protein cubes and a large pitcher of pinkish liquid and some clean glasses.

They did not have to wait long. Within several minutes the far door again swished open and in strode Devrat Silhar'r. He was no longer wearing his splendid armor nor was his grey/black hair tied into an intricate robe, but rather loosely falling over his shoulders. He wore a simple, but well cut outfit, a set of faded khaki slacks and tunic covered by a dark blue vest. And a pair of well oiled boots. He also had a pair of well-used blasters in worn but servicable holsters at each

hip. The selfsame droid who escorted Vedra and Rat and small male feline-like companion followed the him in.

"But Sire I must protest. This..," the feline cast a wary eye in Vedra's direction " ... girl tried to murder you and now you're treating her as a guest." The twi'leks tensed almost immediately. Devrat in a cool voice turned to him, "No B'janke, there is more to it than that. Leave us. As a matter of fact, on your way out, ask Thylo to bring in the twi'lek's weapons and her other possessions; they are her property."

B'janke stared in wide-eyed surprise at his lord but thought against a reply and merely nodded. He muttered to himself as he left through the main entrance and was heard speaking with guards as the door closed behind him. Devrat sat down on the bench opposite the girls. "You must forgive B'janke, his species are always a tad paranoid. They make Devaronians seem lax." He crossed his legs and arms and looked at the two twi'leks before him with narrow eyes.

"Now what am I going to do with you two. A would-be assassin and a kitchen thief," he sighed.

Vedra swallowed and spoke, "I am sorry for any trouble I have caused my lord. My aim was never to kill you only do as much damage and noise as to make Jotmak think I had succeeded. I had hoped it would give me chance to free my friends... I am sorry for those killed or harmed by me... I apologize." She took a breath and began to continue.

Devrat interrupted her. He chuckled and visibly relaxed; but his eyes held not anger or suspicion but a sense of mirth. "No. Little one is not you who should apologize. It is me." He stood up and poured himself glass on pink liquid and took a sip. He sat down on the edge of the fountain and caressed the leaf of nearby flowering plant. "I had hoped my son would bloom and grow into wise and thoughtful leader. I was wrong. He betrayed my love and trust by attempting to usurp me, not once but twice." He looked at the girls who sat quiet and transfixed upon him. "He would have started a gang war. A bloody war. I have managed to keep peace here between the gangs since the time of the Republic. The Hutts don't govern the undercity; but someone has to care for all these people." His mind seemed to drift for minute.

He looked at Vedra with curiosity, "It is a rare twist of fate that it was you Vedra, who foiled him both times." He sighed again. "I guess your father was right the Force does connect all things, including our fates."

Vedra looked at him in surprise, "I never thought you knew my parents or of the Force. They weren't Jedi. I thought they did their best to hide from anyone with authority. But upon seeing my father's holo, I could see he must have seen you as an ally. I had hoped that I could have given you some warning."

Devrat nodded, "Your father was my very good friend. I extend that friendship to you, as you haven proven very much your compassion. We had some curious mutual associates long before I has any of this. Some of them I suspect were Jedi , but I was never sure. " He winked, grinned and moved his arm in a half-circle about his waist. "I was just a lone information broker the first time we met on Coruscant. He and his friends saved my life, more than once. Years later he arrived here, in a ship riled with heavy blaster holes with is wife and young child in tow. It was my duty to help; I was the first person he sought out - without knowing who I had become."

The took another deep sip of drink, "When my security console was alerted by your father's code hidden and mixed in with the regular systems' traffic, I knew what danger was imminent." He looked at Vedra and laughed, "although I had hoped for bit more detail in the message than 'Please let me kill you in 5 minutes.'

Vedra blushed. " I didn't have much time. I also did not know how well Jotmak was monitoring the system." She again noticed the bump on his forehead and giggled. "Again, I'm sorry about the bump. But when you started frothing and shaking and go like I thought I had really killed you."

His voice turned serious, "I was bit shocked to see YOU disarming me and knocking me down so quickly. Yet I was ready to play my part. I had a powerful small personal shield on me, as well as a hidden drug hypospray. I was always ready for such a contingency. I could have taken a hit from a starship. But I understood that my 'assassin', real or fake needed to see I was dead." He looked at the girls sternly, but added a wink, "this remains our little secret." They both nodded in reply.

"What happened to Hew?" chimed in Rataila "How did he die."

The gang lord pulled out a small datapad from his pocket. "I had my personal physician examine his remains. Jotmak lied, to be honest. Your Ithorian friend did peacefully in his sleep, there was no indication of the cause." Rataila started sobbing quietly and Vedra comforted her friend.

He motioned to his droid to move forth. The droid was carrying a two boxes and stretched out both of its mechanical hands. Devrat took the smaller box into his palm and asked Rataila to come him. The young twi'lek , still visibly crying stood before him. Devrat kneeled before her and gave her the box. "This is your friend's remains, he has been cremated according to both Ithorian custom and his open will." He withdrew a small napkin from his pocket and gave it to

her to dry her tears. "I did not know Hewtre well. But he was my freind's friend, and I truly do mourn his passing.. You'll be happy to know my physician said he died in very restful state; almost as if he embraced his end. He also asked that these remains be taken to Telos, the home of his herd. They did a remarkable bit of terra-forming on that world thousands of years ago."

Rataila hugged the box and returned to sit with Vedra and placed her head in her friends lap and closed her eyes. Vedra soothed her.

Devrat paused a moment and stood up, consulted his datapad again. He handed it to Vedra and continued to speak. "His will was lodged in the public bank, he left all his possessions you Rataila; that is basically hi store and little else. Unfortunately, there were quiet a few debts as well."

Vedra looked at the figures and nodded her head, "I will take care of those debts on Rataila's behalf, sire. I have some money saved."

Rataila opened here eyes and sat up and looked at Vedra, "No Tails I can't let you do that. It's a lot of money. I'll sell the store - I'll work off the remainder as debt to Lord Devrat". Vedra shook her head, "Rat I am paying the debt and you are coming with me to Tatooine. It is not safe for you here." Rataila protested and they started arguing.

"Ladies.. Ladies..", interjected their host, "the debts have been take care of already. I've had my men do a bit of snooping and found that the bulk of the debt was protection money he had been paying to Jotmak to ensure that nothing would happen to his ward. I never sanction this type of policy. Hence, the debt is mine. There is not much left of the store. I will buy its remains - based on the contents before the men, under my sons command, damaged it. I offer 500,000 credits. "

The twi'leks looked at him in amazement and thanked him. He waved it off.

"Vedra, there was something for you as well," Devrat added, as he took the second box from the droid and handed it to Vedra. She saw her name written in Aurabesch on the top. It appeared to be a block of blue and white marble but it was much lighter. "Most of the store was burnt. Except for this one container; it had not one scratch on it. It is remarkable piece of Republic engineering and quite old. I have never seen anything like it."

Vedra placed the box on the table. As her hands caressed its top it popped open with a loud noise, startling everyone. She and Rataila looked into the box. Inside were two items. Both of them gasped. A small brown piece of paper lay atop one of the most prized artifacts in the galaxy: a lightsaber. Vedra picked up the card and recognized Her father's handwriting, "My dear Vedra, when you read my words you will likely already have suspected the truth. Take this

weapon it is you legacy -- and your destiny to carry it. Take it and Remember."

Vedra folded the paper and placed it in her jacket pocket tenderly and let out a deep sigh. Rataila looked at her in awe and was obviously full of questions she had read the note as well. Devrat look at them inquiringly, "What is it? Some trinket of the past?"

Vedra reached into the box and pulled out the lightsaber. It was a tad worn and scuffed from use. She ignited it and led aloft the bright azure blade. It shimmered brilliantly and appeared to pulse with life, emitting a slow steady hum as Vedra moved it about. Devrat and Rataila were agog in amazement.

As she looked into the blade Vedra's mind was filled with thousand images and voices. She suddenly gasped out and dropped the blade. It shut off and rolled on the floor as she fell on her hands panting. She knew what she had to do. Rataila and Devrat kneeled beside her offering assistance. She shook her head and stood up . Feeling wobbly. Devrat picked up the lightsaber and handed it back to Vedra, "Keep this hidden, its worth a fortune to the less-than-principled and a death sentence to Imperial authorities."

Vedra nodded and placed the fabled weapon into a hidden pocket in the in-seam of her jacket and spoke to Devrat and offered her hand. She was now filled with strong, quiet sense of confidence. "I thank you for your hospitality and your friendship. Rat and I must go quickly. There is much danger still here. I think there is more to events than we realize." Devrat nodded and escorted Vedra through the door. Rataila gathered both of the boxes and followed them.

One of the guards outside the atrium door held Vedra's weapons and gave them to her. Vedra buckled her gun belt around her waist and checked her silver-coloured blaster. It was uncharged, of course. She took her polearm and slung it across her back and nodded thanks to the guard.

Devrat escorted them to the turbolift, a pair of guards trailing behind . He paused and placed a small gem into Vedra's palm. "For the store. It should be worth 500,000 or so." Taking Vedra by the shoulder he leaned over and whispered to her, "I know you have what seems a dangerous destiny and you must leave. I know who you are and I could use your talent and your friendship. I also know who your friends are and their cause I am sympathetic. Let them know I am willing to help." Vedra responded with slight smile and a nod and entered the turbolift. The twi'leks turned and gave him a wave of farewell. The doors closed and they were taken down to the main lobby and let outdoors into the simulated morning light of the undercity

They reached the old abandoned warehouse and landing platform without trouble. The streets were filled with the usual daytime traffic. None bothered them. Upon reaching the ship Rataila looked and chuckled. "I've seen better." R1 was awoken by the chatter and beeped what in what seemed a surprise tone.

Vedra winced and shrugged, "Well it will get us from point A to point B without hitting object C Besides I have a better ship its just not ready yet, my friend Sasami offered me her Y-wing. I just need to fix it up a bit. " She turned to the droid. "Yes I am alive R1. We are going to be a tight squeeze - prepare for launch."

Vedra climbed into the canopy and tossed out a few half-full crates of supplies. She looked apologetically at Rataila, "The ship's meant for one. But I think I can squeeze you in. It will be a tight fit." Rataila climbed in and groaned when she saw the small space behind the pilot chair. The young green twi'lek shrugged and slipped inside with a few grunts of discomfort. They had been in tighter spaces before, but both had been younger then.

Once both of them had climbed inside Vedra closed the canopy and activated the flight system. "How is it back there?" Her reply was a grunt and rude gesture from around the side of the chair. "Sorry, Rat. It will only be three to four hours flight to where we need to go." Another groan came from the back.

Vedra noticed that her subspace com had a message waiting, she played it. A short holo message from her friend Raene, a Jedi, appeared. She needed Vedra's help for the Alliance and was assembling a team at Mos Espa for a rescue mission. Vedra sighed. "Well Rat looks like my plans have changed again. We are going to Tatooine after all. The trip will only be a few hours longer."

Rataila sighed from behind her and replied with a bit of arcasm. "Just have them pry my corpse out of here with some dignity will you. I don't want to spend eternity looking like canned nuna meat."

Vedra sighed and apologized again. She flew the ship up out of the atmosphere. She punched in the co-ordinates for Tatooine and made a smooth transition to hyperspace.

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