Amanda's Story
Amanda was in tragic haste about her playdough final. She was running to school when she slipped on a puddle of earwax right next to a paper shredder! Dun dun dun! Amanda's tragic fall made the left side of her hair fall out!! then when she went home to try to fix it, something happened. While she is looking through her medicine cabined, she looked for her dads bald cream! She relizes that she might be able to save her hair's life! When she had thoroughly rubbed on the cream, she smelt her favorite fruit. Banana paste was just rubbed all over her head!!! She quickly heard her brother Rupert's deadly monkies! She ran for her life but there was an obstacle. A window! She did not want to die so she broke the window with her bare head. She was almost out when the monkies attacked! They messed up the other side of her head by eating the banana paste and her hair! she went through the rest of her life beng bald by monkies, a paper shredder, earwax, and banana paste! She died on march 5, 2004!
The Story of Amanda Wilburn
Amanda Now
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