Welcome to the Empire of Lemuria!


Born in 2001 C.E., the Empire of Lemuria, or ‘Imperial Mu’, stands as a beacon to all in these troubled times. Far too many of the persons driving events in the world today are motivated by a spiteful, hate-filled desire to dominate others. This is leading modern society to a collapse from which it is likely to not recover.


Does that scare you? Good – it should.


There have been many collapses of societies over the æons:  the Great Catastrophe the wiped out the civilization of the Minoans of the Aegean; the collapse of Classical Greek civilization after the death of Alexander; the collapse of Rome; the regression of China in the 15th Century. In every case, there had been a period of decadence, followed by a calamity of some kind: plague, civil war, foreign invasion, or a natural disaster. And in each case, society regressed to a shadow of its former self.


This pattern is being repeated today. It is estimated that by 2015, fully 60% of the world’s population will live in an urban environment. [1] Increasingly, this results in a strange and terrifying malaise: the person is increasingly entranced by cheap and readily available food, and grotesque entertainments are easily accessible. Skills that ensure survival – both of the person, and of their offspring – are soon forgotten amid the crush to learn and adapt.


This is the beginning of the decadent decline…All that needs to be added is a large enough catastrophe.


We in Lemuria recognized this phenomenon some time ago, and dedicated ourselves to mitigating, not the collapse itself (which we cannot stop), but the severity of the collapse. How do we plan to do this? By gathering others of like mind to our banner; by educating those people, teaching them not only how to survive what is coming, but how to restart society from the ashes.


We are not guerrillas or terrorists. We absolutely decry and denounce the actions of maniacs; that sort of thing is the height of evil in this world. We firmly encourage self-defense – not the imposition of a particular code of behavior on people by force.


Whatever your religious beliefs, a major change in the way the world works is coming. The choice is yours: Be battered – and maybe destroyed – by the storm…Or join a community of people who seek not only to survive, but to lead the World to a brighter future…





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