Anniversary Party
March 27, 2004 - Loran, IL
Our usual anniversary party at Bakers Place in Loran IL. Food was offered for those who wanted to eat before the party. And Fat Jack as usual opens his place up to those who want to stay over and avoid the drive home. Loran is a bit of a haul for those coming from the Rockford area. It is a great time to meet folks and catch up. Also, the member of the year award is presented at this time. George Askvig was this years recipient. Congratulations George. And congratulations to Roger for receiving the Rich Neb award for his years of outstanding service to ABATE of Illinois.

Shelly and Mike. Two ABATE members we don't get to see as much as we would like to.

Roger receiving the Rich Neb award. The flag was flown over the nations capital.

Fat Jack conversing with Tom Charles and the Mrs.

Brian Wing and two folks looking at some photos.

Tony at the pool table.

Steve and Jack.

Roger, (unknown poster girl) and Sylvia.

And George with his member of the year mug.

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