Freeport ABATE Anniversary Party
March 17 , 2007 - PJ's Freeport, IL

What a great place to have our Anniversary Party at PJ's Stephenson Street Station in beautiful downtown Freeport. Their new back room area is great. It is big, and it is nice just perfect for Freeport ABATE. The band was great and so was the evening. Special event of the night was Blaze receiving "member of the year" award for all her efforts in Safety and Education. Big thanks to Blaze. What a gal and great person and all the years she has put in. Our chapter owes her big time.

Neal and Steve chatting. We don't see Steve often enough.

Lots of ABATE members at PJ's. You should have been there.

George getting his plaque for being our "mascot" for so many years. George is taking some time off. Thanks much for all your time.

More awards coming.

I swear that Stein gets bigger every year. Holds tons of beer.

Does Blaze seem "verklempt"?

Blaze is a happy camper.

They are so great at PJ's. They go out of their way to accommodate us.

Some ABATE revelers.

And the band played on. Little bit of bluesy funk going on here. It was great.

Bobby and some happy friends.

OK, maybe a little bluesy and jazzy funk. The harmonica thing was pretty cool.
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