Freeport ABATE Bark At The Moon Run
July 30th , 2005 - Pecatonica, IL

Greetings all ABATE cycle riders. This year is celebrating the 5th annual "Bark At The Moon" run. The purpose and name of course comes from the fact that this run starts in the late afternoon and ends in the evening. So if you don't like riding at night, don't come on this run. But in July, you can bet the evenings are great. Warm, and perfect for that night scoot down your favorite road. We started at Beans Inn in Pecatonica and ended at Booties in Pecatonica. So for the most part, our headquarters was in Pecatonica. You could grab a quick bite to eat at Beans before leaving. Off the top of my head, I can't remember exactly the places we stopped at other than Eagle Pass Inn at Monticello Wisconsin. That was a pretty cool place to stop and the bar was great. So once again, check out my pix of what a great time we all had. And from my point of view, I thought it was an excellent run because I got third place. Darn you Mona and Steve, I was in first place until you showed up. But thanks anyway's for the prize. Can you believe that they both picked a winning hand? Now how often does that happen?


Starting point at Beans in Pecatonica. I think they are getting used to seeing bikes all the time.

Barb and Popeye making a scene on the streets of Pecatonica

And still more bikes.

The two who beat me out on first place. Congrats Mona and Steve for first and second places.

Mona and Friends at I'm not sure where.

Everyone was having a great time no matter where they were or who they met.

Alright, some Goldwingers on the run. I'm sure they were in Monticello at Eagle Pass.

The main street in Monticello. The most action this town has seen on a Saturday night I'm sure. People were just gawking at us. But then we love that don't we?

Now you might say this looks like a nasty biker coming into town. But in reality, it was Sylvia on her monstrous Intruder 1500.

OK, we've done the run and now back at Booties in Pec. We got back early and took charge of the card drawing. Popeye and Brian are mixing em' up for the riders.

The line was short to start with. But by 10 PM, the line was very long. I was looking on in anticipation of anyone beating my hand.

And these two (Mona & Steve) did just that. And back to back. My luck.

Draw them winning cards Steve!!!!

Beer, poker cards and motorcycles. What more can you ask for? Well, you will see. Just keep looking.

Bummer, I my hand sucked.

Our pal Fat Jack. And now married. Woo-Hoo.

The line of riders is now getting somewhat long. So speed it up Joel.

More card pullers.

Yeah, you are really watching the cards aren't you?

And now Brian is saying, lets blow this place. And we did. And we will see you all next year at the Bark At The Moon Run.

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