Freedom Rally

May 02, 2004 - Springfield, IL

We should have known that this weekend was going to suck weather wise just from the forcast. It had been cool and the prediction was not for very good weather. Rain and pretty cold. The last few years we have not had a whole lot of luck with nice sunny days on this trip. Even though I look forward to this every year, next year I will think twice if the forcast is not good. But here are some photos of the event anyway.

On the poker run down it started cool and moist but got better and then got real crappy later on.

Sunday we actually started with sun and was hopeful it would stay that way. Here at Wal Mart getting our teddy bears.

At the IDOT parking lot you can see the clouds rolling in. The crowd was pretty sparse too. But the Hummer was there again.

Popeye checking out someone's cool blue paint job. It literally glowed it was so bright.

Our pals Turk and Becky. Check out the ray of sunshine here. It doesn't last.

Might as well put Becky to work putting a patch on my coat. Please don't drool on it Becky.

Is there a connection between those nasty clouds and the empty parking lot? RUBS stay home.

And then the rain started. But not after much lightening and thunder.

The parking lot is filling up a bit with faithful riders.

I went up to the IDOT balcony for a wide shot.

And more rain. Notice the cagers.

Our dedicated group during a dry spell. Actually before the rain started.

I found the best place on a heat exhaust grid by the building across the street. I was warm...for now.

Our somewhat small group ready for the nasty ride home. Let's go!

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