Freeport ABATE Halloween Party
October 22 , 2005 - Freeport, IL

Its that time of year again to let your hair down and get to Scott and Carrie's G-Spot out on the Pearl City Road for the Freeport ABATE annual Halloween Party. What a great night we had for the event too. How many times have you been out and it has been raining? It was a bit cool, but other than that, the weather was perfect for a howling good time. There were lots of people there. Some pretty young too I might add. But remember, this party is open to the public and anyone is welcome as long as you are old enough. Bring a friend next time you attend. There was also a ton of great food, lots of beverages, and some pretty good costumes I might add. So check out some of the photos I took and you will see someone you know for sure.


Brian Wing and Barb Casey and Popeye.

Popeye and George. Brothers?

Fat Jack and unknown accomplice. Just exactly what are they doing?

I know this dude. He comes into the booze store when I'm working. He's gained a bit of weight though.

Howdy gals.

Eunice and Marsha doing I don't know what? The Hooter bump?

Honk honk....Says the duck!

James taking MY photo. What is the deal with that? You can easily see what a crowd there was at the party.

What a young crowd it was. See Wilma behind that guy?

Fred and Wilma whooping it up with a can of Bud Light...and tennis shoes?

As always, our great hosts....Scott and Carrie.

Looky see, I got my pic taken with Miss Hooters 2005...Eunice.

Someone is having trouble getting up the stairs. Is it the Yucca?

And lastly, the Hooter Girls. Thanks for stopping by and checking out our party. See ya next year.

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