2006 Holiday Food Drive & Christmas Party
December 16 & 17 , 2006 - Pearl City, IL

Howdy all! What a great season this has been for us motorcycle riders. Sunny and warm was the norm for December. As with past holiday seasons, Freeport ABATE has their annual Christmas Party on a Saturday before Christmas and then the next day immediately after our monthly meeting which we cut short, we go power shopping for food to put together food baskets for the needy. This year was exceptional with all the toys that Edie Dennis managed to acquire. So the entire family would have a great Christmas including the children. Isn't that what holidays are for anyway. So here are a few pix of what was going on at the Legion Hall in Pearl City. And also please note that the Legion has not only added onto their kitchen, but they also gave the outside a face lift. Place looks great!

Edie Dennis hauling tons of toys for the tots. Like wow, isn't she just super?

And here you can see Mona doing a little winter solstice dance celebrating the really warm weather we were experiencing. Ya know the druids used to do those dances also, but they were pretty much sky clad.

Next to the toys, you can bet the kitchen is the next best place to be. Just think of Grandma's house at the holidays.

These things aren't light if you know what I mean. Thanks guys for the great tunes.

A private party in the corner. I wasn't invited, were you?

It was refreshing to see some new faces. And what a way to start out, Yucca at Christmas time.

More new faces and hey, they are doing the Yucca thing again. I did hear that the Yucca was exceptional this time.

And the best part of Yucca is, you are right, drinking it. I wonder how much they had.

Davy is elated to see that Kevin and family made it this year. We miss you Kevin.

More toys for tots with Edie and friend.

OK, so now we are power shopping the next day for food. Sorry, I need to find out more names but this gal was having fun. Thanks for helping out.

Davy and Karen at the bread counter. It took a lot to not squish all that bread.

It was really cool to see this gals face when about 8 or ten carts of food show up for her to check out.

The line up of carts to check out. Hey, we came in under budget. Not bad for all the inflation that is around.

Davy and Karen again loading up the Silverado. Just wait, it gets better.

Check that out, Karen just gets right up in the old pick-up and loads it all up. Keep waiting, it gets even better.

Hey, what is that? Why, it looks like the moon is out tonight. Say, it is out. Really out. A little more and I'd have to censor this photo.

As you can see, this is just one small stack of food we bought. Larry Trappen pitches in to help fill those baskets.

Mikie and his box of bread. I could have lifted that.

OK, I'm gonna get it right this time. It is BARB BARNCORD in this photo, not Barb Reilly.

Colleen Pfile taking inventory of what we had and where it needed to go.

Just part of our assembly line.

More assembly line. And aerial view if you please.

Oh, another aerial view. How does that photographer do that? Does he fly?

Scott Roher along with Brian Wing and Judy Carroll.

After all the baskets are full, it is each members responsibility to deliver them if the member made the recommendation in the first place. See ya al next year.

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