2003 Turkey Testicle Poker Run
October 11, 2003
It was great this year. The sun was shining and was pretty warm too. For the last two years we never even got out of the Cedar Inn before it started raining. In fact, last year it was a downpour. So this year we had a pretty good turnout as far as attendance. I think it was around 206 people signed in. This event always draws a fairly large crowd down in Byron at Union Street Station.


Sylvia and Blaze signing in at the Cedar Inn in Cedarville IL.

Don Pierce looking over some of the bikes at the Cedar Inn before leaving. Notice the sun.

First stop was in Durand IL. Sun is still shining.


Some of our crew arriving at Union Street. Watch the guy (Popeye) on the left. It gets better.

The biggest turkey of them all...Popeye!


Brian Wing looks out over a sea of people.

If I didn't know better, I would say Colleen is serving the little gems. But we know better. They are all hers.


And yes, there were tons of cool bikes there too. Some people have just way too much moolah in their pockets. See ya all next year.

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