Life Balance Goals

1. I will spend time with my family on the weekend.
2. I will spend at least one evening per week with my husband without the computer or schools and talk and be together.
3. I will work to maintain my health by exercising and watching what I eat.
4. I will try to keep the house up on a daily basis.
5. I will seek to improve my computer skills and continue learning HTML and web page design techniques.
6. I will keep a daily agenda and update it daily.


1. I will be positive at school with my students and colleagues.
2. I will attend workshops and other training sessions in order to improve my skills.
3. I will work to incorporate new techniques in my classroom that encourage my students to be involved and achieve.
4. I will try to be more organized and return feedback faster to students.
5. I will teach my students to create and maintain class web pages.


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