School Mission Statement


In partnership with family and community, North Newton Jr./Sr. High School will prepare all students to be respectful, knowledgeable and responsible citizens in an ever-changing society. Our mission will be accomplished through the development of problem solving and critical thinking skills in a safe and stimulating learning environment.


Belief Statements

The North Newton Jr./Sr. High School Belief Statements are:
· We believe that all students can and will learn when provided appropriate opportunities.
· We believe that learning is best achieved in a safe, disciplined environment.
· We believe that students, parents, staff, and community should interact to provide appropriate opportunities for learning.
· We believe education is achieved by linking all disciplines.
· We believe all students need to be technologically literate in order to function in a global society.
· We believe students need to understand that they are ultimately responsible for their achievements


All students will improve their writing skills throughout the curriculum.

All students will improve their problem solving and critical thinking skills across the curriculum.


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