Domain 3: Managing Classroom Learning


Candidates manage the classroom learning environment to create success for all students

The teacher originally establishes the classroom learning environment, but it is maintained and managed by everyone in the room. The classroom is a living being of sorts and everything that takes place, is said or is felt in that room effects the overall health of the learning environment. It is only by involving all and by having all understand the importance of the environment that the health is maintained. All students can experience success in the classroom by learning. That learning will hopefully involve curricular standards, but it may also be learning about social situations, themselves or others. The teacher establishes a road for each to take student, but the students have to be willing to take that road. Therefore, all students need to understand that it is possible for them to succeed. It is the teacher's job to create the best, but not necessarily the easiest, road for each student. In order to accomplish this task, the teacher must know the student and the student's abilities. The teacher must also be knowledgeable in the content to be learned.

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