Movie Night

Due to the nature of the AP US History class we do not watch very many (if any) films during class. We do not have time. Therefore, we do movie nights. No one is required to attend. We meet at 6:00 after practices have finished and we have pizza and watch historical films. The films are in their original format – uncut. There may be language or scenes that are normally not included in a classroom setting. Some of the films that have been shown in the past have included: Patton, Atomic Café, Dr. Strangelove, Glory, Nixon, and Truman. The class has requested to watch Saving Private Ryan. This film is well done, but the landing scene is very violent. The Last of the Mohicans is also very well done but does have some violent scenes. I can not go through every possible film in this letter, however, I do want you to know that each film will be considered carefully and that they must have a bearing on the class. Films add greatly to the understanding of history and to the involvement of the student.


Our first movie night is scheduled for October 19.




I give __________________ my permission to attend movie nights during the 1999-2000 school year. I understand that the films shown will be in their original format and that they may contain language and scenes normally not shown in school.


Parent or guardian Date

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