My Kazakhstan.
The most part of Kazakhstan is located in Asia, the small west part is located in Europe. The most part of Kazakhstan land is steppe. But there are beautiful mountains in the east part of the Republic, which go to Altai mountains of Russian Federation. And there are gorgeous mountains in the south. This is where our home-city Almaty is located. It's right over Kyrgyzstan on the map. Almaty is situated at the foothills of Zailiiskij Alatau mountain range. Going to the south, the mountains become higher and higher in Kyrgyzstan. The highest Peak of Zailiiskij Alatau is Talgar Mountain. It's 5000 meters.
Almaty is the former capital of the Republic. It is the biggest city in Kazakhstan. All the Embassies and the UN mission are still in Almaty, not in the new capital Astana.
There is a high mountain skating ring "Medeo" 6 km. from Almaty. The skating ring is not only for the competitions. If you like to skate in shorts and in a T-shirt in winter, this is the place for you. The sun is hot in the mountains, and the skaters are protected from the wind by the walls of the amphitheater.
A little bit higher in the mountains there is a high mountain skiing resort "Chimbulack". If you like slaloming, you need to go there.
You can skate and ski in the mountains near Almaty in winter. You can go hiking beginning with June until the middle of October. In May it's not recommended to do, because ticks are very active this time in the mountains.
Our mountains are wild and beautiful in their wildness. When hikers from Moscow or St. Petersburg come to Almaty, they ask where the cable ways are.They got used to the cable ways in the Caucasus mountains.The cable ways are only at "Chimbulack." Higher there are only paths and passes.
Here it is, the breathtaking view.
The view from the pass "Malyj Talgarskij" Below is Levyj Talgar river.
Mountain flowers, snow and blue sky.
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