ICC Sobek Assault Dreadnought
DarkSpace Version RolePlay Version
4 Ion Drives
1 Jump Drive
1 1500 Reactor
1 Fore Heavy Armor
4 Active Shields (1 each arc)

4 Full Rail cannons
4 Full Fussion Torpedos
2 Fore Fussion Torpedos
2 Full CLK500
2 Fore CLK500
3 Full CLK2000
1 Fore CLK2000
1 Aft Mine Luncher
4 Sub-light Drives
1 Gravitron Jump Drive
1 Slipstream Drive
1 Supernova Reactor
2 Plasma Reactors
2 Fussion Reactors
4 Sub-space sheild genarators**
4 Gravitron sheild genaratiors***
4 Active Shield genarators
4 Neo-Titanuim-A Armor*****

4 Full MAC*
4 Full Quantum# Torpedos
2 Fore Quantum# Torpedos
6 Full Point Defence Beams
4 Fore half PPC****
1 Aft Mine Plasma## Luncher
Notes and other infomation
*         MAC = Magnetic Accelerated Cannons
**       Sub-Space Shields =  protects from Sub-Space phasing weapons and other sub-space weapons
           and condections of space, worm holes, or in slipstream.
***     Gravitron Shields = if in a Halo setting this shields are not aboard. This sheild make a high level
          gravity forcefeild around a ship, millimeters from the Hull or Armour.  
****   PPC  = Partical Projection Cannons  A Powerfuy cannon Firing plasma balls at HIGH speed, And HIGH               damage. Weakens shield more that damages armor due to EM feilds holding the plasma together. Melts                Armor and hull.
***** Neo-Titanuim-A  = a new Armor that regenaraters holes in its armor , this is good however the
          thickness will degress over time and may weaken over prolong weapons impact. Beam weapons will be
          absorbed into the armor and incress the power of the armor. However enegry weapons and projetion
          weapons have a damaging effect on said armor
#        Can fire quantum, plasma, antimater, and fussion types
##      Can fire plasma, antimater, and fussion types

Also in the Yahoo Roleplay this ship carry two Anti-Matter Genarators, and one Quantum Genarator, as well as four back-up Nuclear reactors for power and reaction mass for drives.
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