/\ Frigate above  /\                          \/ Fighter below \/
Class: Fighter
Call-Sign: Locus
Length: 20 Meters
Dry Weight: 200 Metric Tons
Hull Material: Quicksliver Nanite Plasteel Crystoline*
Armor: Neo-Titanium-A**
Shields: Gravitron Shield Unit***
Sub-Space Shield Unit***
Propulsion: Anti-Matter Drives
Weapons: 10 Fore Missle Lunchers
4 Aft  Missle Luncher
     1 Ceneterline Mini MAC******
2 Wingtip Beam Weapons
Class: Frigate
Call-Sign: Hot Shot
Length: 100 Meters
Dry Weight: 1000 Metric tons
Hull Material: Quicksliver Nanite Plasteel Crystoline*
Armor: Neo-Titanium-A**
Shields: 2 Gravitron Shield Units [fore, aft]***
2 Sub-Space Shield Units [fore, aft]****
Propulsion: 2 Anti-Matter Drives
Jump Drives: SlipStream Jump Drives
Weapons: 20 Fore Missle Lunchers
10 Aft Missles Luncher
2 Dual MAC Turrets*****
Other Infomation:
1 Anti-Matter Reactor
2 Backup Nuclear Reactors.
                                                         Notes and Other Infomation

Quicksliver Nanite Plasteel Crystoline = A new hull metal that will strethen itself after taken damage by
            the use of Nanites. It is limited by the size of the ship, the bigger the ship the more Nanites it can have in

**         Neo-Titanium-A = A new armour that regenarates holes in its armor, this is good however, the
             thickness will decress over time and may weaken over prolong weapon impact. Beam weapons will be
             absorbed into the armor and incress the power of armor itself. However enegry and projection weapons
             will have a damaging effect of said armor.
***        Gravitron Shields = If in a Halo setting these shields are not on board. This sheild make a high level
             gravity forcefeild around a ship, millimeters from the hull or armor.
****      Sub-Space Shields =  Protects from Sub-Space phasing weapons and other sub-space weapons
             and conditions of space, worm holes, or in slipstream.
*****    MAC = Magnetic Accelerated Cannons
******  Mini MAC = Miniature Magnetic Accelerated Cannons, is basicly a smaller version of the normal MAC
             weapons fitted for use in smaller ship, fighter, and space platforms.
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