Class: Avatar class Heavy cruiser
Lenght: 400 Meters
Tonnage: 400
Hull: Quicksilver Nanite Plasteel
Armor: Neo-Titanuim-A
5 Shield Units [fore, aft,starboard,port, full]
4 Sub-Space Shield Units [fore, aft,starboard,port,]
2 Gravitron Shield Unit [fore, aft]
2  Stacked Anti-Matter Sub-light Drive
1 Anti-Matter Jump Drive
1 Slip-Stream Jump Drive
6 Heavy Rail Cannons
12  Rapid Fire, Tracking Cannons
8 Fore Tropedo tubes
4 Aft Torpedo Tubes
2 Fore Twin Ion Beam Cannons

An excellent firing arc is provided by six heavy turrets, each mounting a rail gun almost half the size of an entire frigate. While these turrets can engage and destroy more nimble opponents, even more fear is inspired by the four twin-mounted ion cannons. Against this kind of withering fire, even Mothership class vessels cannot stand for long.Of course, while the Avatar is powerful and very heavily armored, it is not invulnerable--with every enemy gun trained on it, the Avatar's tactical priority is as much to draw fire from more vulnerable ships as it is to destroy enemy vessels. As a result, the repair systems aboard a Heavy Cruiser are the most sophisticated to be found in the fleet.
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