Battle Cruiser Sobek
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Unit: Hard Suit

Dry Weight: 1 Metric Tons

Height: 2 meters
r: Crystoline Alloy

          Knukle Blasters  (impact weapon)
          Mini Anti-Mater  Missle Luncher
          Anti-Mater Mines

         Guass Cannon
Twin Ionic Thursters
             2 Deployable jet engions
              Trans-Space Driv

Known to a few people the Knight Sabers Hard Suits, modiflyed for space flight. Only a few remain in service as there outdated next to a Moble suit.
Name: Lenna Yamazaka
ICC Raven Fleet  (Former Knight Saber)
5' 6"
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Lenna Was in the Knight Saber fight rouge Bommers[robots] in toyko Japan. After meeting  Lee captin of the Battle Cruiser Vengance during a rescure of a moble suit. She became part of the International Space Defence Force after then Vengance was hit by a Avent Battle Cruiser. After that she recived the Sobek and has been her captin since
The Mighty IDSF Sobek Battle Cruiser
Name: Sobek

Class:   Hevay Battle Cruiser

Lenght: 1 Kilometers

Dry Weight: 8,000 Metric Tons

Drives: Anti-Matter Fusion
             Gravitron (Tras-Space)

Offencive: 14 Quantum Discharge Beam Cannons
                  20 Anti-Mater Positron Flak Cannons
                  20 Dual Meson Laser Cannons
                   4  Forward Sub-Space Disrupter  Cannons
                    2 Dual Planetary Mega Positronic Beam Cannons

Armor: Positron Elecromagnrtic Shields
             Gravitron Shields
             Plasteel Crystoline Alloy

Miscilonious: One of the Newer Battle Cruiser classes produced with Cassiflyed Weapon, Shield and Drive  systems onboard, MAnd still on the drawing board. The Sobek has been made with slightly more armor for her size as she can withstand mutiply kamikaze attacks and still safly jump out of harm. Holds 20 fighter class ships in mutiply docking bays and carrys up to 100 fighters in ready to assemble pices that can be put together quite fast.
Class: Fighter
Lenght: 20 meters
Dry Weight: 40 metric tons
Drives: Sb-Light
Sub-Space (space only)
Twin Ram-Jet Engions (air-space only )
1 Sub-space Cannon (space only)
10 Meson Laser Cannons
4 Twin Anti-Mater Missile Launchers
2 Wing-Tip Partical Projection Cannons
2 Centerline Anti-Mater  Bombs (air-space only)
Anti-Kentic shields reactive
Crystoline Armor
2 Dual Mini Anti-Matter reactors (space only)
2 Fusion Reactors (air-space only )
4 Mini Backup Fusion  reactors

Miscellanous: Fighters Made for use with the Sobek only. Only BattleCruiser kown to carry fighter wings. Can go into and land on planets as well as fight within an atomosphere
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