Linna's Hard Suit and Herculan
Class: Hard Suit
Call-Sign: Minne Me
Height: 2 Meter Humanod
Dry Weight: 2 Metric Tons
PowerPlant: Mirco Anti-Mater Reactor
                     24 Hour Backup Stowage Reactor
Drives: Twin Ionic Thrusters
             2 Deployable Fan Units
Weapons: 2 Knukle Blasters
                 2 Mini Anti-Mater Missle Lunchers
                 2 Mini Anti-Mater Mine Lunchers
                 1 Belt Feed Guass Cannon 
                 1 Portable Hand Held Particail
                    Projection Cannon
Defence: Reactive Anti-Kentic Shields
               Reactive Partical Shields
               Crystoline Alloy Armor
                Plasteel Alloy Frame
Ammo: 40 Mini 2 KiloTon Anti-Mater Missles
             10 1 Megaton Anti-Mater Mines
              5,000 Belted Ionic Anti-Vehicle
                        Guass Rounds
              10 6 Shot Partical Charge Clips
AipSpeed: Hover to Mach 2
GroundSpeed: 160 K/PH
Space : 0.1 To Sub-Light
Class: Herculan
Call-Sign: Gorgon
Height: 5 Meters
Dry Weight: 100 Metric Tons
PowerPlant: 1 Anti-Mater Reactor
                  2 Cool Fusion Reactors
Drives: Jump Jets
Weapons: 2 Quantam Discharge Cannons
               2 Partical Projection Cannons
               2 Guass Avenger Belt Feed Cannons
               2 Vertical Anti-Mater Missle Luncher
Defence:  Twin Partical, Anti-Kentic Shields
               Gravitron Shields
               Crystoline Alloy Armor
               Plasteel Alloy Frame
Ammo: 2 10,000 Ionic Anti-Vehicle Belted
              Guass  Rounds
          40 5 MegaTon Anti-Mater Missles
AirSpeed:  180 K/PH At 150 Feet
GroundSpeed: 160 K/PH
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