Class: Heavy Crusier

                                                                 Call-sign: ICC Sobek

                                                                    Weapons loadout
          Darkspace                                                                      Yahoo Role Play
2 Pluse Beams full mounted                                                   10 MIMi Luncher 6 fore 4 full ******
4 Fusion torpedo lunchers fore mounted                                 6 Point Defence beams
4 partican Cannons full mounted                                            4 Plasma torpedo Turrets on full mounts
1 Aft mine luncher                                                                2 MAC's*
                                                                                           1 Twin Aft mine luncher [Nuke and Plasma]
                                                                     Defence measures
4 Active shields [one fore, port, starboard and aft]                    4 Sub-space sheild genarators**
1 Heavy Armor fore                                                               4 Gravitron sheild genaratiors***
1 Pulse wave                                                                         4 Active Shield genarators
1 ECM device or 1500 Reactor                                                1 Pluse wave genarator****
                                                                                            4 Neo-Titanuim-A Armor*****
3 Anti-mater  drives                                                                3 Anti-Matter Drives
1 Anti-mater Jump drive                                                          1 Slipstream jump drive
Notes and other infomation
*           MAC = Magnetic Accelerated Cannons
**         Sub-Space Shields =  protects from Sub-Space phasing weapons and other sub-space weapons and
            condections of space, worm holes, or in slipstream.
***       Gravitron Shields = if in a Halo setting this shields are not aboard. This sheild make a high level gravity
            forcefeild around a ship, millimeters from the Hull or Armour.   
****     Pulse wave Genarators = Produce a wave of powerful enegry that will destroy incoming weapons fire,
            or disrupt energy beams to make them less weaker.
*****   Neo-Titanuim-A  = a new Armor that regenaraters holes in its armor , this is good however the           
            thickness will degress over time and may weaken over prolong weapons impact. Beam weapons will be
            absorbed into the armor and incress the power of the armor. However enegry weapons and projetion 
            weapons have a damaging effect on said armor
****** MIMi =  Multiply Impact Misless, is a single milssle that is launched however about 1000 meters from 
            the target the missle explodes and from that explosion come six high volecity high yeild missles. The   
            missles after separating from the Main body have a short range and are small cross section making     
            harder to an anti-missle system to shoot down.

Also in the Yahoo Roleplay this ship carry two Anti-Matter Genarators, and one Quantum Genarator, as well as four back-up Nuclear reactors for power and reaction mass for drives.
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