Brief Background of Linna Yammazaka
Born in Japan about 2015, and in  small contry town. Linna Lived up in the small town untill she heard about the Knight Sabers and Vigilante Group in Tokyo, Japain. The Knight Sabers fought Rogue Boomber or robots created after the great earthquake hit Tokyo 2038 and Leveled Tokyo, the Boombers were made to rebuld tokyo. Linna Got a Job in Tokyo and then saught after and then joined the Knight sabers. After defeting Grom and Galata. Linna remade her Hard suit and had it refited for space travel and underwater travel. Linna explored the depths of the ocean and near earth orbit with her new hard suit. It was fitted with a small Nuclear reactor that it powered her suit for up to ten years with no trouble.

On a mission to Mars Linna feel into a unseen time warp and was trasported  into the furture. Now there was a Lot of space travel, as well as enemeys of earth. Linna was mistaken for such enemy and only after convincing them she was not a spy and was whom she said she was they left her go. Having no home nor job she and her hard suit went into the Recover busness were she salvaged Wrecks for others and return them for a price. Durning one salavge operation she was attacked by the Shivans and then resuced by a captin calling hisself Lee Admral. Durnign the trip home the ship was attacked killing a lot of the familys onboard. Linna was upset and vowed revenge for the killed women and childen killed that day from the single beam shot.

Upon return to Earth Lee got Linna into the space Armada and served aboard his ship untill a ship was made for Linna. Once the ship was done and Linna was at the Captean Rank she was then given command of it. Linna took on the most diffacult mission and barly making it back with a highly damaged ship. Command thought about taking away Linna's command,.then when though the computer logs of her ship. What they found out was her firce battle and ship was known to the Shivens , and then ramed her ship trting to kill her. Command started on a specal ship to suit her fighting and the dangers she faced in battle.

Once Linna came back from her 20th battle limping home with a badly damage ship command took her old ship away and indroduced her to the new ship. This ship had a lot of new untested weapons and systems onboard it. Linna tryed these new systems out and the stronger ship was able to satfly be rammed by the kamakazee ships or the Shivens. Linnes ship was able to destroy a dreadnaught class ship with the newer weapons and the new weapons overloaded and blew themselfs up and part of the sobek, Linna's name of her ship. Once back in dock Linna had the systems looked and then logs checked the problem was fixed and the Sobek was once more out and about.

Soon the shivens found out the homeword Earth and soon shown up and glassed earth. The survious of Earth fleed Lee, and Linna's ship were badly damaged or blown up in the case of Linna. She was not in her ship when it was reduced to atoms, but in her hardsuit. It was badly damages but the Boomer of the hard suit told Linna it might be able to save her IF it was freed from its programed form. Linna did so as the Boomer drew in wreakage and then fromed into a powerful ship. Linna totaly kicked and destroyed the remaing Shivens ships in earth orbet and then jumped after Lee's ship location. Since the Boomer took in both human and Shiven tech Lee and the serviving human ship thought she was a Shiven hunter killer ship untill Linnas voice came over to Lee letting him know it was her.

The surviving Humans found a planet in a system far from the Shiven know systems and settled down there. Linna and Lee went about making a huge space fleet fo go and totaly destroy the Shivens for destrorying earth. Linna Made and found out a way to use a shield to cover a planet and used it in the system as with many specal sensor bases and  mobal defence platforms. The buld up of the Humans took years to do but since there was a great number of shipyard it was going fast. Linna still went on scouting missing into nearby systems looking for Shiven Probes or hunter killer ships. In sercet Linna Made a shipyard in a nearby system and it begain to make a speacal weapon for the invasion of the Shiven homewolrds.

The time came as the Fleet of the humans begaisn to make there move. they jumped to earth and then seeing it almost back to normal they had good hopes as they jumped toward the shiven held systems. They easly took over and glassed each shiven planet with ease in the outlaying systems. Once they got in closer to the Home system of there empire. Is when the human begain to slow down . Linna Called into her sercet base and then moments later four massive stations appared. Swams of single seat fighter were launched from the hangers of the Stations Many of the fighter were lost but it was the edge that the human needed. As the Shievns were being pushed back. Each station making more fighters as sending them out asap. Soon the homeworld of the Shivens were destroyed and then reamaining Shivens hunted down and killed took ten years. The main fleet jumped back to there system.

Lee and Linna jumped back to earth and found that someone calling themselfs the UGTO or The United Galactic Trade Organization, had started out in earth. They had no ideal how that came to be or what  but Lee and Linna tryed to flee the system. The UGTO thought there were a new  ICC or The Interstellar Cultural Confederation class ship as they were not a ship of the known UGTO. They were forced to flee as Linna's ship was tagged and followed back to there home system. The UGTO took advantage of the know postion of the System and then tryed to invade it. After being forced back three times they took a scout ship and then lured the ICC to the system thinking that With the to going after each other they will be able to easly overcome the both oth them,.

Unkowing to the UGTO the ICC took the oppertonaty to try and become freands with this new system and add it to ICC rule. Linna talked to the lead rank of the fleet of the ICC that invaded the system and they got a deal made up. The system will still remain free BUT will be under ICC rule. Once back to her home planet of Alantis and then system was renamed to Tau Ceti. Linna was soon added into the Fleet Ravens as with the rest of the ships at Tau Ceti. There have been a lot of fighting and this systen and fell and then recapurted many many times.

And thus this is the story of the one named Linna Yamazaka A 1st Rear Admiral of the fleet Raven within the faction ICC.
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