I am Innana 
Descent into the Underworld
Third Prize - Fantasy Category
Canadian Doll Artist Association Conference May 2000

Quilt background 27x36 inches - silk
Dolls silk and unknown fibre

This piece is a metaphore for  chronic illness . As Innana descends into the underworld she has to leave behind her clothes, her jewelry, the skin, her flesh and finally her bones.  She  finally escapes the under world with the help of  her sister but we can never leave the under world totally behind .  Innana offered her husband as a subtitute - creating the seasons.
Likewise we cannot heal from chronic illness untill we leave behind all parts of our old life and genuinely mourn them.  Then we have to re-invent our selves as we hit rock bottom and arise again.  But allways we are aware that at any time again we can hit that slide into oblivion.

The skin & the flesh
Innana rising -
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws