Our Sunday morning Children's church is taught by Lisa Hinton.  She is also an elementary school teacher so she has a God-given love of children and a burning desire to see them grounded in the faith and the love of Jesus Christ.  The children enjoy lessons and activities designed to lead into a loving relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 


Our youth group is lead by Diane Harper and Daniel McGufee.  We have regular youth meetings on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. Nine of our youth and counselors attended the 2007 Youth Retreat at Camp Pollock in March.


In addition to regular youth meetings on Sunday nights, we have a children's & youth choir that practices on Wednesday nights. The participants range in age from 7 to 15. After a brief lesson the practice begins. They have performed a couple of times on Sunday morning, once to a group of songs featuring "Awesome God" and "What A Mighty God We Serve" and recently to the song "Don't Laugh At Me" to which we made our own video.


Our Vacation Bible School took place July 12th through the 15th of 2006. Our closing program took place at 6:00 p.m. Sunday night the 16th.  Our theme is "The Incredible Race" and it was an exciting and inspiring series of lessons and activities focusing on “pacesetters who turned in champion performances” including Moses, Jonah and John The Baptist.

Our VBS program for 2007 will be "Avalanche Ranch." DATE: July 16-20, TIME: 6:15 - 8:45


We feel that new Christians are much like new-born babies. With that in mind we make every effort to "disciple" them into the family of God. Especially those who are new to the life of the Christian. We are making every effort to assign disciplers to these new babes. Discipling is a ministry of putting people together in a mentor/mentoree situation, and yet the "mentor" will grow and learn as much as the "mentoree" will.


Wednesday evenings the gym is opened up to the surrounding community for a little basketball fun. Mike Cooley and Pam Dunn supervise the activities and lead a devotional before closing.




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