A friend is someone who understands your past,believes in your future,and accepts you today just the way you are. Proverbs 17:17  

nameNomertito Sietereales Edoria Jr
birthdate 040182
motto "everything happens for a reason"
about al sobrang antipatiko at pilosopo! sobrang "laugh trip", patay gutom, maporma, maniac!
q&a You've been invited to a fancy ball but the only thing you have to wear is an orange wooly jumper. What shoes do you wear? yung famous orange shoes ni al
Come up with some possible band names for your group that features a washboard and a styrofoam tuba. SEPULTURA
Please describe how you could take the peel off an apple all in one go: kainin mo na lang agad. dami pang kaartehan kailangan pang balatan...
Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate? It will be made out from titanium. to commemorate the life of a loser....

nameGerard Victor Remendo Saldua
motto"live life to the fullest"
about alShould I lie? hehehe I dunno, but first impression ko pa lang sa kanya, magaan ang loob ko, not just because he looks like my pet! hehehe... Newayz, Al is the silent type. i dont mean that he doesnt enjoy a good joke as much as the rest of us, on the contrary! as they say, still waters run deep... that's him. Sometimes people will nag him for a reply, but to no avail. i think he believes that silence may hold more meaning than mere words. however, watch out when he does speak...he's generous to all, generous to a fault i should say... ask for his last bite of food, he'll give it to you (kahit galit sha sayo!.. at your own risk nga lang, baka nilason ka na nya! hehehe..) he is more of a pleaser. he doesnt want to make anybody feel bad. He may at times be impatient. not that its bad per se... maybe he feels that life is short, and he does not shrink from an opportunity when one does arise... go for it Al!
q&a What room in your house do you like best and why?bedroom. shacked off kasi inhibitions, plus i can do my fav thing... sleep! you pervert!
What do you want to accomplish before you die? be of use not just to my immediate family... i want a legacy that will make other people grateful for my life
What is the biggest crowd you have ever been in - where was it - why were you there? human rights rally, manila, i was a "tibak" (activist) back then
You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape. tie the slinky with the goat, throw the goat outside the well, then take hold of the slinky on the other end and use that to go up

malate catholic school
nameGil Francis Genato Tan
birthdate 021781
motto "do unto others before they do it unto you"
about al Alejandrino? Well I met this guy in some whore house in quezon city sobrang libog nitong taong to joke lang hehe seriously classmates kami nyan for 2 years and I can say that I know him from the tip of his hair down to his smelly toe sobrang moody nitong taong to one minute he�s laughing the next he�s all quiet and pissed its hard to read this guys mind kasi its messed up hehe WARNING ung mga gusto palang maging friend nya you hav to watch out he has AL syndrome dnt worry its not contagious and its easy to spot hehe un lang siyet!!!
q&a What do you do for a living and what did you want to do for a living as a child?this is for the webpage i am developing... thanks!!!
What do you do for a living and what did you want to do for a living as a child?im in line with the hospitality industry. i wanted to be a veterinarian
If you could change places with a Bible character, who would you choose? Why?Mary magdalene, two words reformed sinner
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? africa
If you could choose to meet anyone who ever lived, who would that be, and why?princess diana
When you were a child, who was your hero and why?Wonder woman duh!!!

name Sarah Gaviola Ca�ete
birthdate 062582
motto "kapag gusto, madaming paraan; kapag ayaw madaming dahilan"
url myspace
about al pilya, gaya ko! pero mas pilya ako! bwahahaha...parating naghahanap ng away...ay... hinahanap pala ng away!....ang kulit ng mga hirit...gutomin (taga-ubos ng food ko), mahilig in interpellating arguments, in short magaling mambara!
serious na...Moments with Al are memories worth treasuring--from the small talks to the deep and heavy conversations. Al also has the power to silence anyone with his interesting and humorous stories. His being amiable would definitely draw you to him and keep you coming back for more. His laughter is way too contagious. Laughter is not the only gift you can get from him. He is one of the most trustworthy people you will ever meet. Has a sense of concern for the people around him, especially his friends. He would go to all the trouble just to help someone in need. He makes things lighter by simply smiling while slowly losing his eyes (in short nawawalan na ng mata..). =) He balances everything. His sense of responsibility is quite awe-inspiring: a leader who manages to persuade everybody to work productively. Completely different from how strangers perceive him. Basically, Al is one friend you would never want to leave.
q&a If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?australia

name Marvin Al Glenn Kua Go
birthday 032183
motto "if others can do, why can't i?"
url myspace
about al Life tends to be SOOOO boring sometimes, but not with AL around. That's a proven fact. Well, you can say whatever you want to say about his chinky eyes, body-hugging shirts, tight-fit pants, voracious appetite, unique diving skills but still, that won't be enough ground for him to get pissed of or get mad at you. Truly commendable isn't it? Well that's Mr. Alejandro for you.At first he may appear as shy or even snob, but trust me he's not! One scenario proving that first impressions don't really last. What else, unknown to many, he is a certified "talentado!" Talented and hmmm...not a "gago" syempre. (baka alisin nya ako sa groups e kaya I'll just keep it to myself all my complaints about him.) Just kidding! hehe Well, do stay the same and goodluck in every endeavor you'll partake in the future.
q&a You've got to make contact with the alien leader. How will you tell when the conversation is finished? If I'm dead already.
You've been invited to a fancy ball but the only thing you have to wear is an orange wooly jumper. What shoes do you wear? orange shoes too.hahaha
You've broken up with your old band and are about to release your first solo album. Please write the liner notes: Finally, good riddance!
Which is more important to you and why: flexibility or expandability? flexibility. It sounds more positive.
Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate? made up of mud. Victory? the day I was born.. ang babaw.

nameAlfie Gragera Isidro
birthdate 052483
motto"i'll keep you & together we'll kill them"
about al AL is a person that can really pull off a perfect aura of a true friend who's gonna stick with you in whatever case you may get stucked into�he�s caring, thoughtful and a man of greater sense,well, you just got to dig and digest the inner worth that al can throw upon on you�he never looks down a social nose at the parvenus, a person apt to banal and a friend hu seeks panacea in order to unite wat has been separated� the way he smiles, the way he keeps composure is truly admirable for inspite of inevitabilities, he manages to put things under his control�he�s a thought stimulator, very intellectual�a person u can actually quote from benevolence�and lastly, a true friend that ill cherish�Definitely one true frend! It was as though establishing friendship in air with foundations stronger than the dangerous rays of sun that struck our hearts�you need not to be with him for a long time for he�d be showing the best of him khit na hindi pa kyo close�we share the same sentiments, arguments too, kulitan and everything, this I guess made us stick to one another, definitely with sarah in enduring every inevitabilities� he�s very cool khit na lagi na lang kming 3 lging present, he makes it a point to brighten up our day� uve struck me with best that u cud possibly share to me�and im proud to be ur friend�
q&a Which is more important to you and why: flexibility or expandability? expandability, i just want to
How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna? its a silent letter, u nid not to pronounce it

nameCyrill Gadd Villas de Veas
birthdate 120782
motto"expect the worst but hope for he best"
about al abnoy, palaboy, baliw, masarap kasama kapag mambabara
q&a You've got to make contact with the alien leader. How will you tell when the conversation is finished?give him the finger!
You've been invited to a fancy ball but the only thing you have to wear is an orange wooly jumper. What shoes do you wear?Orange converse chucks
You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape. I'd ride on top of the goat and use the slinky as a rope
How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?its silent g


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