Awards For You

People Who've Won Awards
This is where you can apply for awards. As is you couldn't tell from the name of the page but whatever. I'm no longer gonna show what the awards look like. My friend has found sites that have taken her awards and edited out sample and put thier site name on it instead. So as a precaution I'm not gonna put the pics up anymore. Feel free to apply for any award at any time. If you don't win you can always apply again. If you do win though you have to put a link to my site on the award or by it. Other than that just look at the list below and send in the form. I need to make this clear now: If you are Kagome fan or have a Kagome site I'M NOT GONNA SINGLE YOU OUT! People keep on asking me about if because I always mention I hate Kagome that I'll refuse to affiliate or give an award to a Kagome site. We all have our opinions and I'm only gonna judge your site on the content and shit and how good it is to the award you want. If you have a Kagome site and are not offended by me hating her then go ahead and apply. If the site fits the award you'll get it.
New Life Award-(easy)This is basically for sites that haven't been up too long. Not all the links have to be up and it doesn't have to be perfect but there has to atleast be some content and/or a couple of things to do.

Burning Site Award-(easy-medium)This is not a bad thing! I mean burning as in like alive or something. Not that it's on fire and dying! It's hot I guess. Yeah, that works. Anyway, you have to have stuff to do and content and all that shit. The stuff doesn't have to be perfect but it should be there. If you have very few things up I suggest going for the New Life award. Also I'm expecting all or atleast most of your links to be working. If it's a area on your site and it doesn't work you need to take it off until you get the thing up but if it's something like a fan/hate listing or link or whatever, as long as there isn't too many of them I won't hold it against you.

Miko's Power Award-(medium-hard)Your site has to have lots of content of ok-great quality. Nothing that's really shitty or whatever. It has to have things to do, a gallery, and shit like that. It should be pretty well organized too. All of your links have to be working, with the exception of maybe one or two thing like fan/hate listings or whatever. If it's on your site and doesn't work take it off! Basically your site should have good quality stuff and not alot of mistakes or whatever. Oh forget it, you know what I mean.

.Spiritual Beauty Award-(hard)Your site has to really catch my eye. It should take my breath away or something. Ok it doesn't have to be that good but it should have a great layout. This is mainly for looks but there does have to be content. I mean, come on, I'm not gonna give you the award if you just have a page with a great pic on it. No matter how beautiful the site is you won't get the award unless you have content on it.

Miko's Knowledge Award-(hard)Well that name's a hell of alot better than Miko's Scrolls don't you think? This is basically the same as Spiritual Beauty except it's for content. You have to have alot of content at great quality. This will be mainly for content, the layout or template or whatever doesn't have to be magnificent or anything but if you make your own or use pics you've uploaded, don't make it sloppy. I mean if it's gonna look like shit you might as well use a premade layout. Well whatever it's gotta have great content.

Fallen Award:(easy-medium)This award is directed to the more morbid sites. Burning site level. So if you have a site focused more on dark and sad thoughts for the characters or whatver your sites about then this would be a good one for you. Oh yeah and at the bottom of the award are some subtitles. I didn't feel like going to the trouble of taking them out and I didn't cut them out 'cause they kinda go with the modd of the thing anyway. If you apply for this award and don't want them then just tell me and I'll cut it out of your award before sending it to you. Anyway it says: The pure are soiled, and the soiled are purified. If you don't mind then whatever but if you do like I said just tell me in the Questions/Comments section of the application form and I'll cut it out.

Soulmates Award-(easy-medium)This is for sites dedicated to Inuyasha x Kikyou. There just has to be ok content and whatever. No broken links and basically the same as Burning Site except it's for site dedicated to Inuyasha x Kikyou.

More later!

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