Fan/Hate Listings
Non-Inuyasha Fan/Hate Listings
Here's some stuff I joined.Not that anyone really cares but whatever.If you're intrsted you can join so there is some small purpose to this.Even though I can admit there really isn't a point to it.Lets just say support or something, I dunno.Oh forget it here they are.And for you idiots out there just because this is a Kikyou shrine doesn't mean everything has to be Kikyou related!If it's Inuyasha related,character or otherwise,I might join it depending on what it is.So there,no more idiots sending bitchy e/ms.I mean god I like other characters BESIDES Kikyou.
The only reason I didn't use a pic is 'cause the pic won't upload right.So until it does I'll just put the link up there.It's a anti-kagome listing ,k.
Go Kikyou!
I like both characters but I want Kagura to win.
The pic for that wouldn't work either.Well that's a fanlisting for the first season of Inuyasha.
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