operation moss series:

yorktown revisited ||  josh is having problems, with doors and lord marbury

hangovers and hermenuetics ||  the hangover is only the beginning of donna's problems

after the bomb ||  josh chews on what joey told him in 'the war at home'

the cadell thesis ||  josh finds something on donna's desk which leads us to wonder who, exactly, is running the country

to: [email protected] ||  donna writes home to her brother, post 'the stackhouse fillibuster'

half-crazy ||  donna's sister visits, cj is having a minor 'godfather' attack, and josh gets a clue

the hawthorne effect ||  donna and josh are both acting strange, but for very different reasons

good morning: an interlude ||  josh and donna, the morning after his declaration

belladonna ||  final installment, a conspiracy is revealed, food is used for non-consumption purposes, and a happy ending is finally had for our heroes

stand alones:

the curse of karen cahill ||  donna gets revenge for events seen in 'the leadership breakfast'

west wing sings silly songs ||  the gang embarks on a musical journey to "find the funny", post '17 people'

voting season ||  josh and donna discuss the first annual golden coffee cup awards in their own unique fashion

resolution 27 ||  donna's 27th resolution of the day is hardest to keep - post 'two cathedrals'

the bravest thing ||  when donna left josh - dr. freeride and the first of the april flowers make a guest appearance - 'break your heart' is by bnl

reaching out ||  what if josh had managed to make one phone call?  inspired by erin's 'always there when i need her'

the tofurkey conference ||  post-'indians in the lobby' - "you're from conneticutt because of the existance of tofu turkey?  cute, josh - very cute."

1000 people ||  a story to commemorate an historic event on the jdff yahoo group

   the most important day of the year  ||  written on a dare - this is a west wing take on 'radioland murders'

   somehow deserving  ||  companion piece to 'the bravest thing' - josh's take on things

   car sickness and pink candy hearts  ||  silly valentine's story written from a challenge
disclaimer:  none of the west wing characters belong to me - they are all aaron's and nbc's - those lucky buggers - and i am making no profit whatsoever off of these stories.  none at all - not even enough to buy a soda.  hmph.
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