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    Bios. Lenny Twigg

    I was born in Nottingham England in 1946.My Mother had a piano that she would practice on occasionally and I suppose my love of music came from mother but my sense of rhythm developed from my next-door neighbor. George was a drummer with dance bands of the time and locality, He would practice at home till early hours and since our houses were semidetached i.e. joined together and since his practice room was adjacent to the bedroom that I as a two and three year old was sleeping in I got a lesson in rhythm for nothing .I learned parradidles at a very early age . But my love of singing was to take precedence over my drumming prowess.

    I always sang in any church choir and school theatre .I joined rock bands as an adolescent in England. In 1970 I emigrated to Australia where I presently reside .

    I decided to take some singing lessons from John Forrest A Sydney based teacher. The lessons went on for a couple of years but apart from the usually unsuccessful auditions It was a bleak time . It wasn't until around early eighties when I had a visit from the Mormon missionaries that anything significant musically, happened.

    These Missionaries took me to their church and introduced me to choir singing. I sang with the first Perth ward choir for years and It was during this time that our choir leader Mrs Mrna Martin a wonderfull lady who Introduced me to the big choir .yes that's right ,The big choir being The ABC WA Symphony orchestra choir .This meant singing in concert halls, rubbing elbows with the internationally renowned of course there were three hundred other people in the group all vying for the same spot but never the less this was a very enlightening time for me . During this time with the WASO as they are affectionately Known, I had also become involved with amateur theater and have played many parts .Including some professional spots, adds and the like


    Is where my heart is since finding out that I could sing jazz and have a good knowledge of the jazz standard repertoire mainly through doing Karaoke shows I have moved into singing with Jazz bands I have sung with many Perth based bands sometimes arranged and sometimes impromptu I like to do Sinartra Standards although I do not class myself as an impersonator.

    So far this is my musical career. I am presently studying the piano which I have been doing for the last 15 years I completed a coarse of study at WAAPA. ECU Perth. In Jazz and contemporary music . I also have been teaching my Vocal Styling which I have entitled Bell Canto Styles to a few selected students. A copy of the first lesson can be found at www.geocities.com\lennytwigg

    By for now Lenny

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