Lenores Dream Boys!
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Thanks to Merita who made it & posted it on her myspace: http://www.myspace.com/got_bsb

Please sign my Dream Book! Thank-you!

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*REVAMPED* Marcus Shrine!

*NEW* Awards under the "My Awards" section!

"If A Monster Comes In Our Room" is NOMINATED at the Never Gone Fan Fic Awards for multiple categories!!!!!!

*NEW* Unbreakable Lyrics!

*NEW* BSB Video Player!

*NOTE* All Clay Aiken info & fan fiction can be found at: Clay Nap Fiction!

*NOTE* All "Brian" Fics have been moved to: I Want Brian Any Day

"If A Monster Comes In Our Room" is NOMINATED!!!!!

I'm nominated for "Best AJ" AND "Best Author"!!!!! PLEASE go & vote for me when the times comes! Thank-you!
Just click on "Vote" & follow instructions.

*COMING SOON* "My Dreams" page. A place for all of my dreams & yours too! All you have to do is send them to: [email protected] & put "DreamBoys Dream" as the header! Have fun remembering!!!!!!

*Note* Avatars courtesy of: http://www.geocities.com/bsb_fan_fiction/home.html

Pic of the Day:
Jordan Younger, Toronto Argonaughts - though, apparently he's been traded to Edmonton. >:(

Song of the Day: "Witch Doctor" - Alvin and the Chipmunks

Quote of the Day: "Oh my God we're here to stay, 'cause we sing songs like I Want It That Way!" - Brian Littrell

Song lyrics of the Day: "Go, stop and go. I just hit static. I used to read you, Loud and clear not like this, It�s so erratic" - Panic, Backstreet Boys

*Other Info* *About Me* *My Awards* *Marcus Shrine!* *My Fanfiction* *Hosted Fanfiction*
*Lyrics* *Pix Of Dream Boys* *Other Dream Boys* *Biographies* *Quizzes*
*Polls* *Parodies* *Ways To Tell You're Obessesed*
*Other Songs I Like* *Favourite Quotes* * Awesome Links* *Link Me*

Read my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook!


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