and Millennium, too!
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I love The X Files. I love Millennium even more. And I love toys. Here's a gallery of things that seemed like a good idea at the time. NEW: West Wing Little People. The menu's on your right.
I'm scared and I want to go home.
I am not a link. Clicking me will only bring frustration.
more X-files toys!
west wing toys!
On this page, custom Fisher-Price Little People. Before we go on, you should know that I shamelessly stole the notion (and some of the designs) from the amazing Quinn's Schmoo, and I encourage you to go there first. I'll wait. He's got dozens of custom FPLPs, and not just XF. So go. GO!
Okay, back now? Isn't he the coolest?
"So...anything happen while I was gone?"
It's Frohike's. Ratboy!
Walter freakin' Skinner! "Is there peanuts in this?" "I assure you, we are neither slapping nor tickling."
Let's start out with some XF regulars. Top: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Walter Skinner, Alex Krycek, and the Lone Gunmen -- Langly, Byers, and Frohike. Bottom: Jimmy Bond, Yves Adele Harlow, and Detective Munch. Munch is a regular on every series but XF.
"Or, as we call them, Native Americans."
If I could walk that way...
aka Kick-the-Crap-Outta-You Lass
Some of the Millennium gang:  Frank Black, Jordan Black, Catherine Black (rest in peace), Peter Watts (roast in Hell), Lara Means (feel better, honey!), and Emma Hollis.
"Thanks for saving my life, Frank. Now get out." "This is who we are. Only smaller."
Horses, horses, horses.
"It's my gift. It's my curse."
Most likely to be possessed by Captain Howdy.
Lidsville, baby!
*urp* "This is a homicide, not a funeral!"
The Chernobylest mutant of them all. I don't believe that man has ever been to medical school. Perhaps he could date Nurse Gollum.
I like pie!
Damn, this was a good episode!
Take away your children's art supplies before it's too late!
Next, a small (sorry) tribute to the work of Darin Morgan.
Flukeman, Jose Chung, Doctor Blockhead, the Cunundrum, Lanny & Leonard, Rocky McGrain, Dancing Devil Baby, Fiji Mermaid, and Homicidal Maniac Bellboy. Dr B had to have a spike removed from his chest in order to be scanned.
<-- Lyra (one of the Ghosts Who Stole Christmas - she doesn't show her hole to just anybody, you know), Scully from "Triangle," and The Great Mutato.
The best part of Thanksgiving is when PMP is on. Eves!
I am you and you are me...
In person, this has a cool paint job - the red is translucent orange over magenta.
...drilled a hole through her torso and clear into my thumb.
...and we are we and we are all together.
<-- Spooky little chess whiz Gibson Praise, and his pal Grey Alien. I'm sure that one day they'll explain how he got from inside a nuclear reactor core to an Arizona school for the deaf. Of course they will.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Chess - it's a mug's game.
<--Marburg Virus Chicken. I wouldn't eat that, if I were you.
<-- (l-r) Esther Nairn, aka the Invisigoth ("Killswitch"), and Matreya from "First Person Shooter." (FPS annoys the living crap out of me. It's great toymaking fodder, but I'm still trying to figure out that "It's the only way I can strike back as a WOMAN!" business. Uh...what?)Dead, yellow Leslie Stokes. Lucy Butler, whose name means "Light Bearer." "Big bad police man" Arthur Dales.
Not that Arthur Dales - the *other* Arthur Dales.
"Bite me."
Butt floss. Eeeeeeeeeeeevil.
"I'm dead - I'm *YELLOW!"*
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