Latest News
April 17, 2004:

Don't forget that our next meeting is Monday (April 18th).  Asrar Burney will be our guest for the evening and will be presenting a slide show for our enjoyment.  The presentation is "Five National Parks" slides to music and is reported to be fantastic - don't miss it!  See you Monday at 7:30 p.m.

April 2, 2004:

Our next meeting is Monday (April 5th) at the Brownsburg Public Library....Room A....7:30 p.m.  Topic for the project that evening is "Weather".  See you then!

March 26, 2004:

Just a reminder our member display will be hung at the Cafe 251 next Tuesday, March 30th.  Please deliver your work to Ed or Lynne prior to that day.  Those participating are welcome to enter 1-3 entries each.  Prints need framed & ready to hang with a wire hanger - please include a business card or label with your name and information about the print, including print if it is for sale.

Our next meeting is Monday, March 1st - 7:30 p.m. at the Brownsburg Public Library.  The topic for the assignment due is Valentine's and/or Presidents.

See you there!
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