note: the keys might be different if you edited your options.txt file or use your options2.txt file

p key: pan mode
name: pan_mode_key
turns pan mode on and off

z key: undo
name: undo_key
goes back to the last saved generation

x key: save generation
name: save_to_stack_key
tells the program it should save the current generation
when it calculates the next generation

c key: find selection
name: find_selection_key
finds the selection

v key: redo
name: redo_key
goes forward to the current generation

b key: new
name: save_and_clear_key
saves the current generation and clears everything
except for the selection

d key: pencil tool
name: pencil_tool_key
selects the pencil tool

s key: select tool
name: select_tool_key
selects the select tool

a key: move tool
name: move_tool_key
selects the move tool

f key: zoom in tool
name: zoom_in_tool_key
selects the zoom in tool

g key: zoom out tool
name: zoom_out_tool_key
selects the zoom out tool

n key: next generation
name: calc_key
calculates the next generation

m key: next 20 generation
name: calc2_key
calculates the next 20 generation

t key: xor mode
name: xor_mode_key
turns xor mode on and off

space bar: next generation
calculates the next generation

ctrl-x: cut
name: cut_ctrl_key
cuts the selection

ctrl-c: copy
name: copy_ctrl_key
copys the selection

ctrl-v: paste
name: paste_ctrl_key
pastes the selection

ctrl-o: open
name: open_ctrl_key
opens a pattern from a file

ctrl-s: save
name: save_ctrl_key
saves a pattern to a file

ctrl-a: flipx
name: flipx_ctrl_key
flips the selection horizontal

ctrl-z: flipy
name: flipy_ctrl_key
flips the selection vertical

ctrl-d: rotate clockwise
name: rotatec_ctrl_key
rotates the selection clockwise

ctrl-f: rotate counterclockwise
name: rotatecc_ctrl_key
rotates the selection counterclockwise

ctrl-l: drop selection before running
name: seletionoption_ctrl_key
turns drop selection before running option on and off

ctrl-p: options
name: options_ctrl_key
shows the options dialog box

ctrl-r: randomize rule table
name: random_table_ctrl_key
randomizes the rule table and shows
the randomize rule table dialog box.

ctrl-g: show 1 generation ahead with the table tool
name: table_tool_option_ctrl_key
when the table tool is selected, it switches between showing
the current generation and the next generation

ctrl-w: rule family options
name: rule_family_options_ctrl_key
shows the options for the selected rule family

ctrl-t: add state
name: add_state_ctrl_key
adds a state and lets you choose the color and value

ctrl-e: edit state
name: edit_state_ctrl_key
edits a state and lets you choose the color and value

ctrl-k: color picker tool
name: color_picker_tool_ctrl_key
selects the color picker tool

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