the tool box:
  click on a tool to select it
  click here for more about the tools

the color box:
  click on a color to select it
  you can also select colors with the ',' key and the '.' key

the rule table window:
  this window shows the rule table and allows you to edit it
  to edit a entry of the rule table just select the color you want
  from the color box then click on entry you want to change
  you can try different cellular automaton rules by editing the rule table

randomize rule table dialog box:
lets you choose the seed, row range and state range.
the new seed button gives a new random seed. the same seed gives you the same random rule table.
the randomize button, when clicked, chooses a random color for each entry in the rule table.

the file browser:
lets you browse different patterns in a pattern set
the load list button loads a list with a filename that ends with .lst
the load file button loads a pattern in the list

the options dialog box:
  show grid:
     if checked then it shows the grid

  selection is transparent:
     if checked then the selection transparent

  save x and y offsets of selection:
     if checked then it pastes the selection in the same position it was copyed from

  drop selection before running:
     if checked then it drops selection before calculating the next generation

  save_and_clear_key adds random cells:
     if checked then the save_and_clear_key adds a rectangle of
     random cells after it clears the board

  warp x edges:
     if checked then the x edges warp around

  warp y edges:
     if checked then the y edges warp around

  generations to calculate:
     lets you choose how many generations are calculated when the calc_key is pressed

  random rule table sparseness:
     lets you choose how sparse is the random rule table is

the new universe dialog box:
  board size:
       the width of the board

       the height of the board

  rectangle of random cells:
       the seed used for random cells
       the same seed,width and height will produce same result
       how many colors are used for the
       rectangle that is made out of random cells
     offset x:
       the x offset of the rectangle that is made out of random cells

     offset y:
       the y offset of the rectangle that is made out of random cells

       the width of the rectangle that is made out of random cells

       the height of the rectangle that is made out of random cells

     horizontal symmetry:
       if it is check then the rectangle that is made out of random cells
       will have horizontal symmetry

     vertical symmetry:
       if it is check then the rectangle that is made out of random cells
       will have vertical symmetry

     add cells:
       if it is check then the program will keep the old cells

       if it is check then there will be circle of random cells instead of
       a rectangle of random cells

       that combo box lets you chose the symmetry of the board

     the ok button:
       applies these options and closes the new universe dialog box

     the cancel button:
       closes the new universe dialog box without doing anything

     the apply button:
       applies these options

     the clear button:
       clears the board without applying the rectangle of random cells
       to the board
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